jocember Member


  • I think it depends on your Zumba workout - I know there is a HUGE difference between my burn when I do Zumba at home from a DVD and when I'm in class with an instructor pushing me to work harder. I don't have any trackers to measure, but I'm 266 and it estimates about 800+ calories for me in a 60 minute class - I'd believe…
  • Oy, I know how it can be in a small office. Fortunately, my place of work is big enough that they figure us all to be adults who can handle the smoke/pee breaks we need in a day so long as work gets done. But in a reallllly small office (esp. those without HR), there is often a ton of micromanagement going on. And that…
  • After being obese for more than a decade, I'm quite certain at the end of my journey I will have lots of loose skin so I plan on trying to have the necessary procedures done to take care of it. I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do if you want it and need it!
  • At home, I set MFP as my homepage on both computers. I also have the app on my phone and keep it on my phone's home screen so it's right there every time I turn my phone on. I do a combination of logging in the morning after I've packed lunch/eaten breakfast, logging throughout the day if I change plans (such as today,…
  • Me too! Usually just 1 bag and 1 tub of each, but still... hummus & baby carrots is my go-to snack at work. I am also OBSESSED with this peanut butter with toasted flax seeds made by Archer Farms. It's so delicious and I have to seriously harness every ounce of self control I've got to only eat 2 tbsp at a time!
  • I agree, that is frustrating! I've had a few friends/acquaintances flat-out REFUSE to believe me when I tell them all I've done to lose weight is eat right and exercise. One person called me selfish for holding out my secret on her. lol!
  • Ugh, still waiting on my "real" breakfast - looks like it might become my lunch. Today is supposed to be bagel day at work (only happens once every 3-4 months). I usually eat either oatmeal with fruit and a bit of peanut butter mixed in or Greek yogurt with a piece of fruit, but today I skipped that thinking they'd give us…
  • I do mine once a month on the 18th (sometimes the 17th or 19th if I forget/can't wait) and try to do my measurements without clothes on for the best results. I measure my neck, bust, waist, hips and left bicep, thigh and calf. It's been really helpful since there have been months where I didn't lose much in weight, but I…
  • I measure once a month around the 18th. I began to notice in my collarbone area first, definitely, because I missed seeing them and it's nice that they're coming around again. I still have to stick my shoulders out at a weird angle to get any real definition, but that's enough to encourage me :D I also notice in general…
  • I was about 290 in December when I got serious. Since then, I've lost between 15-20 lb., give or take and while I still don't notice any changes looking in the mirror, I can *feel* changes - such as clothes that definitely used to be tight or just form-fitting are looser (gonna need to restock my entire collection of tank…
  • 15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs! Wow, that's a lot of eggs. I'm shooting to lose The Complete Oxford English Dictionary + 1 chihuahua (155 lb.) so I have a waaaaay to go.
  • A-frickin'-men. I've been working my *kitten* off for months to learn proper nutrition and how to exercise properly. Though I've only lost about 20 lb. altogether, I've worked for that and I know that if I had just been working *that much* harder I'd have already lost more. I watched my mom go through enough fad diets and…
  • You have to consume an extra 3,500 calories on top of your BMR to gain 1 pound of fat. 700 calories over isn't great, of course, but it's not going to make you gain even 1 pound let alone several - you're going to have "bad" days, and you're also going to have days where it's not possible/you don't want to eat within your…
  • My boyfriend and I are making pizza based off of a recipe from -- we're using a store-bought crust and topping it with low-cal marinara sauce, turkey pepperoni, low-fat mozzarella cheese, cilantro, mushrooms and red peppers. I'm not going to eat much, though, because I had a HUGE lunch that kinda ate up a ton of…
  • I've been using the guidelines for sedentary for a while and liked the results, so I just wanted to make sure. Thanks everyone for confirming what I thought :) And you're right, it is a huge motivation to walk more when I know I can log it ^_^
  • From what I understand, it's like this: your body burns a certain amount of calories just existing every day (for most people, around 2,000-3,000) - if you want to maintain your weight, you would try to eat about as many calories as you burn each day. If you wanted to gain, you'd eat more. And if you want to lose, you eat…
  • You know, I have a huge problem with soda. I'm a lot better than I used to be - growing up I probably drank 5-6 cans or more a day. Always diet, yes, but that's not really any better than regular when you consider the effect aspartame has. I've read through all of the posts here, and have made a decision: I'm cutting it…
  • My major motivation is how badly I want it. But when I really need motivation, I have a couple of specifics: First, I think about all of the people who have made me feel inferior in the past because of my weight, and that helps me work harder because I want to prove them wrong. Second, I look through the websites of…