vt2200a Member


  • I like to think of it terms of stage 1 is 16 workouts plus two special workouts. And you alternate between A And B. Thus, day 1 is 1A day 2 is 2B and so on. Helps me keep track and figure out where I am in the stage.
  • I started last Thursday and love it! Except I might have done the deadlifts incorrectly on Sunday and have been suffering the consequences since then. Oh well. Hopefully by the end of the day today I feel well enough to complete 3A. (I've numbered my sessions 1-16 and then just mark them A or B, it helps me keep track of…
  • Please share your secret to a stomach like that! I am 5'7'' and currently 158 looking to go down to 145 but your photos have motivated me to puch for 135. What do you do for weekly exercise?
  • I just walked to the candy drawer at work. There were swedish fish. I walked away. I have never walked away from swedish fish.
  • I think you should speak with a doctor but in my personal experience when I began running I had a severe pain in the knee. I went to a specialist in sports medicine and he said nothing was wrong. My muscles were merely weak and needed to adjust to the previously unknown concept of physical activity. He recommended RICE…
  • @1sxyogre If you're planning on getting measured try going to a department store first. Victoria's Secret can be great if they have your size but the sales associates aren't trained in the correct way to measure a bust size. For example, I am a 34DD (used to be 34DDD) and everytime I would go into VS they would tell me…
  • I am 24 years old and I LOVE shoes. I have had an obsession with them since I was very young. My mother is also obsessed with heels the more daring the better. I would pine for the day she would lend me a specific pair of shoes. However, she would not let me come near the shoes that looked too inappropriate with my outfit.…
  • This is the best advise! And double check, triple check your resume. You would be surprised at how many people have typos in their resume. A perfect resume in terms of spelling and grammar speaks to your professionalism and attention to detail. Good luck!
  • I would like to be put on the reserve list, thanks!
  • Vt2200a/Veronica Goal Weight on Dec. 31st: 150 12/01: 156 12/05: 154.3 (wohooo) 12/12: 154 (it's finals at my law school...i'm just happy i didn't gain any) 12/19: 152.4 YES! Today is my LAST final, going for an unscheduled run just for a few celebratory drinks this evening! 12//26: 12/31:
  • To continue running 4 times a week and to begin incorporating strength training into my workouts I would also like to get rid of an additional 10 lbs by my birthday, March 1st and another 5 by the end of March. I know this will be difficult but I think I can do it. After that it's all toning and maintaining and growing…
  • Thanks everyone! For a moment there she almost had me thinking I was crazy. I love the cookie monster picture!
  • My grandmother had ataxia and I know how hard it is to stay positive. I wish you all the luck in the world in your weight loss journey. Your story is inspiring.
  • The music I listen to on my runs depends on my mood that day. But have you checked out JogFM you can input your usual speed and it gives you a list of songs with beats that will help you stay on track.
  • Have you tried going to the website of your favorite store? Often times they will have lookbooks put together to help you visualize what pieces will look good together. I also think confidence and a smile can be the best accessory. I like this type of outfit because it will accentuate your waist and it's still festive. The…
  • Vt2200a/Veronica Goal Weight on Dec. 31st: 150 12/01: 156 12/05: 154.3 (wohooo) 12/12: 154 (it's finals at my law school...i'm just happy i didn't gain any) I am happy I didn't gain any weight and am dressed and ready for my run today. I am also committing to a 15 minute abs workout i need to get these bad boys into shape.…
  • Vt2200a/Veronica Goal Weight on Dec. 31st: 150 12/01: 156 12/05: 154.3 (wohooo) As for the challenge, I think I might try a good 30 minutes workout on my VOD, hopefully my roommates will be gone today
  • Name/ real name: vt2200a/Veronica Goal weight on December 31st: 150 12/01: 156 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/26: 12/31:
  • Becky - you should look at madden girl, I have tons of their boots and not only are they moderately priced but they usually have an extra large shaft (insert that's what she said joke) thanks everyone! I was super excited and now i am extra motivated to work out!
  • Thanks for posting this here! Veronica Goal Weight December 31st: 150 12/01: 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/26: 12/31:
  • you look incredible, awesome job!
  • I'm 5'7'' and in 2010 I weighed 173lbs. I was a size 12-14 depending on the style of pants. I am an hourglass figure so a lot of the time the 14s fit better around my thighs and butt but were a little big on my waist. Good Luck on your journey!
  • Awesome quote! Mine is "If you're going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill
  • You're gorgeous and such a motivation! "When you're going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill
  • Does this count? Because I could handle that. :wink:
  • This made me grab the apple sitting in my purse. Sometimes all I need is a reminder!
  • That is the most awkward but awesome NSV! :laugh:
  • Unfortunately, the benefits of the shoes are greatly exagerrated by the companies. I wish there was an easy fix but unfortunately the only thing that works is healthy eating and regular exercise. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2011/09/reebok-25-million-settlement-toning-shoes.html
  • Day 2 of my challenge and I feel stronger already! I wasn't able to post my full measurements before so here they are: Weight 169 Bust - 40 (Doubtful this will change much, my girls are hereditary) Waist: 32 Hips: 41.5 Thighs: 25 (I'm looking to shrink this the most!) Arms 12.5