

  • I hear ya. I started a little oer 2 months ago and I thought that at most I was 25o/260 (turned out I was almost 290). It's going to sound cliche', but nothing tastes as good as being fit feels. I live in an apartment building and this week our elevator is out of service for maintenance (I live on the 3rd floor). 2 months…
  • At the risk of sounding redundant, I'd echo what everyone has said so far. I've been in a similar situation a few times since I joined (about 2 months ago), and it's all about making a healthier choice (i.e. the salad and baked potato instead of fries) and tracking it as best you can afterwards. When you look at the big…
  • Let me start off stating that I don't do yoga & all I know about wags is my 5 minute search of them on google, but I'd say that those should help you out. you can also try using some generic weight training gloves (you can find them at modells, sports authority, etc.), sonce thise might help you as well. Also, if you go…
  • Thanks for all the responses and after this episode I'm not going to any of my former favorite places anytime soon.
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