wrist problems!!!

GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
ok im posting this question for the third time because no one has had anything to say and i dont know if im just posting at the wrong time of day or if no one has ever used these:
im having some problems with my wrist when doing yoga and was wondering if anyone has tried the wags??? I have a background in gymnastics and my right wrist has suffered some injures when i was younger, havent really noticed it when i was doing regular yoga but the p90x yoga is extreme and since i started it i've noticed it hurting more (but only when im doing yoga it is fine after)! If anyone has any info on the wags or what i might can do to help with my wrist i would love to hear from you!!! Thanks...... :happy:


  • hopefullnyc
    Let me start off stating that I don't do yoga & all I know about wags is my 5 minute search of them on google, but I'd say that those should help you out. you can also try using some generic weight training gloves (you can find them at modells, sports authority, etc.), sonce thise might help you as well. Also, if you go into CVS/walgreens, they have wrist supports that are just a wrap right around the wrist and those might do the trick. Good luck finding one that works for you!!
  • mirror135
    mirror135 Posts: 3
    Hi. I just joined and your post was the first thing I saw. I've had wrist problems from during yoga as well. My wrists are just weak. Sometimes I wear wrist braces for them. What are "the wags"?
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Wags seem like they should help

    However I strongly recommend going to a doctor....you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.....and the doctor can give you inflammation meds as well as antibiotics

    I had the same problem after I started Insanity....the pain was unbearable and I had to stop doing pushup or anything that put pressure on my hands...so I started wearing bands but they only helped for a while

    Went to the doc and got the meds....and my hand felt better after a few days

    So I would recommend getting it checked out just to ensure....because the wags may help but continuing to work out on a sick arm will only make it get worst....so just to be on the safe side get it checked out

  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Thanks for all the info.... i think i might try the wags, and it that doesnt help i will see my doc about it. I dont have problems with push-ups its just this one yoga position that gets me down!!! I really dont like to take meds at all, i try to stick with herbs and things of that nature for any problems i may have, so i will look online too and see if i can find an alternative herb to take in place of the meds!!! Once again thanks for the info!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I don't know anything about the wags, but many of those positions in the P90x yoga can be modified. That's mainly for the purpose of flexibility issues, but I think that would be a good idea in the meantime, at least until you get the wags and see if they help. Don't keep subjecting yourself to the pain though, as that's your body's way of telling you it doesn't like what you're doing! I would hate to see you get an injury and then be down and out long term!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    hey tattoodfreek.... how you been??? Im not in alot of pain from doing the workout its just a little uncomfortable on the right wrist (my left is fine) and i dont have any pain afterwards!!! Im just not able to hold the pose on the one side and have to come out of it before i should.... like i said before i had a backgound in gymnastics and that is where i hurt my wrist and ive been dealing with it for years.... and i do ultrasound and that is done right handed (when i started ultrasound i had to do some exercises to help with the strength in my wrist) i think i will do that again, it seems to be getting stronger each week, i just want something to use that can keep me in the pose the entire time without making my wrist worse!!! Thanks for the post, and i promise i wont push my self to hard!!! :happy:
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I would think any sort of wrist support would help. Also, icing your wrists when you get home helps too.

    I went through a rough patch a few years back around the time my daughter was born. It was terrible, I could barely even hold her. I went to the doctor and got tested. Turns out I have something called dequervain's syndrome, and I'm borderline for carpal tunnel. The prospect of having surgery or cortisone injections in my wrists didn't really thrill me. The doctor told me to ice my wrists every night and prescribed fancy braces that I had to wear at night when I slept.

    The good news is that after several months of following those instructions, the pain went away. But now that I've resumed working out at the gym frequently, I'm very careful not to re-inure myself. I wear weight lifting gloves that provide some wrist support, and the second I start to feel pain in my wrists, I stop trying to lift heavy things.

    You can find wrist braces that have ice packs built in, and that really makes icing your wrists alot easier, as you can put them on and chill (literally) without having to hold an ice pack on each one for 20 minutes at a time. Here's a link to something very similar to what I ordered: http://www.amazon.com/Brown-Medical-Polar-Wrist-Elbow/dp/B001G0N6ZY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1275126995&sr=8-2

    Best to nip this one in the bud now and take some precautions, because it can take months to recover.

    Hope that helps!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Thanks for the info cmw72, i will check out those wrist braces with ice pack built it!!! :happy: