xcheshirecat Member


  • I don't even calculate my weight in my results. It never changed but I still lost 3 inches of waist. I get muscles, so my weight doesn't change
  • not in an healthy way : in 30 minutes you won't get the bad mc donald fat. It's not only about how many calories you eat but about what you eat too. You can have "bad snacks" sometimes. but for 1 subway cookie, you'll need 1 hours of hard exercice If you eat those bad stuff, there won't be calories available for that good…
  • Personnally, I have learned to eat things in moderation : when I crave sugar pie, I eat a 1/2 slice I'm learning to eat them at the good moment : ice cream in afternoon is ok, but not after supper And I've learn to change what I eat : no ice cream, but a bowl of yogurt will be yummy When you do those 3 things, you have…