

  • I have my protein shake as soon as I wake up with skim milk and oats as I can't stomach a meal 1st thing. Then I have another one within 30 mins of weight training and I always carry one in my bag incase I get hungry, it's a 100 cals a shake the one I use mixed with water, so it stops me snacking on junk! :)
  • 60 mins run/walk on treadmill before breakfast this morning. An hour weight training tonight on legs and then crunches. I've actually discovered there are some ab muscles under all that wobble! *Grin*
  • Had a few of my friends ask why I'm drinking them. I struggle to get my daily calorie intake so use them to help boost it and always have one for breakfast with raw oats in and skimmed milk as I can't face a solid meal but I'll happily drink my breakfast. Sod what anyone else thinks. They're normally the ones sat stuffing…
  • *Waves* North Wales over here :smile:
  • I was big as a child. Never had a big appetite but seemed to put on weight overnight according to My Mum. So I was on countless diets from the age of 10. Lost a ton of weight when I was 15-16 basically by not eating much apart from black coffee, weetabix with water and sugar free chewing gum. Felt tired all the time then…
  • Thanks for the link. Least I know I'm dosing it correctly :)
  • Hi Jackie You can do it :) What plan are you following? I managed to lose 112lb over a year. Currently trying to lose what I gained when I gave up smoking. If you need any advice then feel free to message me Becs