Whey Protein

coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
I bought Whey Protein Vanilla over the weekend, and I was reading up on it and this is what I found:

"Will whey protein help me lose weight?
Adding whey protein to the diet is a great way to jump-start a weight loss program. Whey protein is a key ingredient in numerous weight loss products and whey protein isolate (with no fat or carbohydrates) is often the preferred choice. Studies have found that individuals who combine diets with leucine rich protein foods, like whey protein, and exercise have more lean muscle tissue and they lose more body fat. As they lose fat their metabolic rate increases and they naturally burn more calories each day. Another way that whey protein helps manage weight is by promoting satiety, or a feeling of fullness."

Anyone that is familiar with Whey Protein, can you tell me when the best time I should drink it is? In the morning for breakfast? I know that if you are trying to build muscle you drink it right after a workout, but I wasn't sure if it was the same for the other way around? Also, any other suggestions or comments are welcome :)


  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    I started drinking (chocolate) whey protein from GNC last may and ever since then i STILL am :D

    It's GREAT! and I mix it with a cup of skim milk.

    when do you work out?? the best time to take it is after a workout. I workout 1st thing in the morning, so a GREAT benefit is using it as my breakfast (i usually add some fruit, oatmeal, pb toast or something every now and then) but it will help you stay full longer & helps replenish muscles and you won't get sore. feeel free to add me. :) whey protein is great!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I'm drinking Body Fortress Whey Protein in Vanilla, I workout later in the day before dinner because of my work schedule. I get up at 4:30 for work and I get out of work at 3pm and by the time I get home it's 4, so I workout in between cooking dinner. Could I just drink it for breakfast even if I don't work out in the morning?

    I just want to make sure I'm doing what I can benefit from :) I'll add you jade!
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    Yeah you can have it for breakfast, it'll keep you full! :) And I don't know about you, but I try to aim for a breakfast between 300-500 calories to keep me full longer & metabolism moving, so if you are too - eat a little something along with it. Not a lot or like a whole meal, but something small. :)
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    i drink the cellucor vanilla..its a very lean protein..i drink mine in the morning for breakfast but thinking of doing it for dinner instead..
  • Tanners2202
    Hey folks.
    I'm up at 4:30 some days for work too. I find that having it for breakfast is great whether your working out early or late. I find it helps prepare my muscles for a work out as well as helping repair afterwards. I found that after a workout i had alot of pain in the muscles around my knees but since starting on whey I've found that my body is repairing quicker and I feel I can push myself more. Personally I find a shake first thing and one mid/late afternoon works best for me. I do prefer an early morning workout though as I find I feel more energised and for some reason I think it helps me burn fat and boost metablilisim.
    Don't know if it'll help you hun but just thought if share :))
  • jgerbe2
    jgerbe2 Posts: 57 Member
    I have a vey busy schedule right now between work and school so I don't get to work out as much as I would like. So I have a whey protein shake for breakfast and lunch. I then eat a sensible dinner usually around 500 calories. I add fruit, milk, cinnamon or cocoa (depending on my mood), and oatmeal or flax seed. It has worked great at keeping me full and my snacking to a minimum. I have been following this on weekdays only for right now and it seems to be working well for me. I have lost 5 lbs in 8 days. I will send you a friend request and I always keep my diarly open so you can take a look.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    im going to have to try some whey protein...do you just buy it at walmart?
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I have whey protein, I couldn't do without it now. I have it in my breakfast in the morning (oats & skim milk) after a work out and when I haven't done a workout as it provides a protein source for breakfast, as I try to have protein with every meal.

    I also have a protein shake in the afternoon at work if I am feeling hungry.

    There is no reason at all why you shouldn't have a protein shake in the morning even if you don't work out.

    I am going to have a go at making the Jamie Easton protein bars. :smile:
  • smitt_3000
    A good one to try is my protein Impact blend, for 4.4 kg it will cost you £45 pound probs last a good few months, Iv tryed the vanilla mixes very well but iv been told all the flavours are brill. If you dieting i would mix with water not milk as milk just adds more fat to your diet. Anyway you get your daily milk from the cerial :)

    ps. u can get 2.23kg bags for £25 as well

    good luck with the wieght loss
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    I had to laugh, cuz' I just bought some Whey Protein last night! Anxious to try it out today. :)
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies, I really appreciate it :)

    I got my protein as Walmart, in the vitamin/pharmacy section!
    This morning I had protein mixed with milk and I ate a banana, is that good?

    Today's the first day of me trying protein, so hopefully I don't get hungry early for lunch like I normally do and end up snacking!

    Feel free to add me, anyone :)
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
    Whey protein is great!! But another great source is hemp protein!! Whey is dairy based and the hemp, of course, is not, so it is slightly easier to digest. When I finish the whey I am currently using I am thinking of trying the hemp out. I, too, drink it within around 30 minutes after I work out. Just putting alittle more info out there!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Thank you :) I'll have to look into the hemp protein!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I had to laugh, cuz' I just bought some Whey Protein last night! Anxious to try it out today. :)

    I had to laugh, too because I ordered whey protein isolate last night and it's arriving this evening! lol.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I had to laugh, cuz' I just bought some Whey Protein last night! Anxious to try it out today. :)

    I had to laugh, too because I ordered whey protein isolate last night and it's arriving this evening! lol.

    I bought mine Sunday, but haven't got to try it until this morning! I've been waiting patiently! It's actually better tasting than I imagined!
  • dollydaydream80
    I have my protein shake as soon as I wake up with skim milk and oats as I can't stomach a meal 1st thing. Then I have another one within 30 mins of weight training and I always carry one in my bag incase I get hungry, it's a 100 cals a shake the one I use mixed with water, so it stops me snacking on junk! :)
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I bought mine Sunday, but haven't got to try it until this morning! I've been waiting patiently! It's actually better tasting than I imagined!

    The one I bought is unflavored because I intend to mix it with different things every day. I can't believe I'm excited about whey protein. LOL.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I bought mine Sunday, but haven't got to try it until this morning! I've been waiting patiently! It's actually better tasting than I imagined!

    The one I bought is unflavored because I intend to mix it with different things every day. I can't believe I'm excited about whey protein. LOL.

    I got vanilla and it's sooo good, I mixed it with milk this morning and just gave it a good shake, tasted like a thin vanilla milkshake, mmmm!!!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I got vanilla and it's sooo good, I mixed it with milk this morning and just gave it a good shake, tasted like a thin vanilla milkshake, mmmm!!!

    I can't do vanilla anything except really good vanilla bean ice cream. General vanilla gives me a gag reflex.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    There are so many things you can do with whey protien, I added it to waffle mix to offset all the carbs. My fav recipe is banana whey, PB2 peanut butter powder, ice and Silk vanilla soy milk. Tastses just like a butter finger milkshake