

  • Years ago I took phentermine as part of the phen/fen regime. It was awesome....I was never hungry..my energy level was awesome....I did not sleep much, but I did nat care....I was on legal speed!! I lost about 75 lbs. Unfortunately, the weight did not stay off unless I was taking the medicaiton and in fact the doctor I was…
  • I weigh daily...it helps me to stay on track.
  • I am and RNY patient and 49. I agree that the "brain work" is the hardest part after weight loss surgery. I am learning to maintain, but have put on about 10lbs. Joined this site to help log my meals and exercise consistently. How long ago was your surgery?
  • I stopped logging my intake....I am sure that you are right about the importance of keeping that up! I logged for today and will keep that up. It is so easy to start overeating again and THINK you are doing ok.....only to find a few lbs have crept back on!