Newbie :)

Hi all...

I am new to this site. I am 49, married, mom to 3 Nana to 12 and I am currently raising 2 of those grandkids. I lost about 95lbs and recently regained about 10 as I work om maintenance...SO... I am looking to lose about 5lbs...figure out how to maintain and tone up. Looks like a great site with lots of support.


  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    I've recently gone on maintenance and so far am doing good with it. But, I will continue to log because I'm afraid it I quit I will gain it back. I did not lose as much as you but I'm proud of the 20 that I did lose. Send me a friend request if you would like. You can see my profile
  • loripeters1961
    I stopped logging my intake....I am sure that you are right about the importance of keeping that up! I logged for today and will keep that up. It is so easy to start overeating again and THINK you are doing ok.....only to find a few lbs have crept back on!
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    I know ! I can't trust myself ! :-) I love to eat and really enjoy it too much.