

  • Hello, My doctor told me the same thing. (Nutrition is everything), and not to stress too much about working out (I am similarly busy and also have fibromyalgia. , so I really cant physically work out if I wanted to) Just eat clean a good webiste for recipes is and Tosca Renos books.
  • I am not worried about the calories intake. I talked to my Doctor and at the time I was doing a vegetable only cleans and getting about 600 calories per day. He said that is ok for me. The Herbalife shakes are at around 300 calories after you mix them, so I actually have more calories by taking the shake. Since I have…
  • HAHAHAHA Hilarious.... However his nut butter is better than most ;-P and the vanilla one is awesome too.
  • Also I met a lady this weekend that said she suffered with fibro for many years, she lost weight and started taking calcium at night and now she has no pains. So a few days ago I started taking calcium and of course I am already trying to lose weight so we will see how it works!!
  • Any suggestions on breakfast?
  • OK this sounds alot more like my kind of plan!!! Thanks I will let you know how it works
  • I looked into this for a "pre wedding" cleanse last year but it was so expensive!!! LIke 800 dollars or something
  • Thanks I will look into this!! :-)
  • I want to do it and have tried twoce, but I get migraines so I have had to stop on day 2 both times :-(
  • Wow what a difference!! You are beautiful! I have one question. Do you have lose skin? I am scared when I lose all this weight I will have saggy hangy skin :-(
  • Haha! I would love to fit into this pair of pants I have had in my closet from when I was pregnant with my first son..... After I had my second son I almost fit into them I was 1 inch away. :-) But they are like a size 5, a size 9 would be nice too I haven't seen those in 2 years.
  • Eating clean helps tremendously (don't have to follow it completely but just eliminating processed foods makes a world of difference) check out she has wonderful recipies! It helps not only your body but mental it clears you :-) Small steps is so true. I have found everyone on here is so…
  • Thanks! I have been down this journey a few times over the last few years. But I have let fibromyalgia get the best of me. Though I don't have sleep apnea, Fibromyalgia prevents you from getting deep restorative sleep also. I yawn all day no matter the time or place. And all I want to do is lay in bed and sleep. But I make…
  • Hey I just wanted to share with all of my fellow FM sufferers, I also have a lot of ankle pain especially when I walk or stand for more than 30 minutes, I push myself everyday but 3 things have completely changed my quality of life and taken me off medications completely that is: 1. Having a positive "Not letting anything…
  • Starting small first minor goal is 5 pounds 50 is the total number. I gained 13 in teh past 2 months, just not eating as healthy as I should and not doing any exersize.....
  • Starting small first minor goal is 5 pounds 50 is the total number. I gained 13 in teh past 2 months, just not eating as healthy as I should and not doing any exersize.....
  • I have gotten a second opinion. Unfortuantly! Anyhow I started eating clean and pacing myself along with taking Vitamin b12 injections weekly I was able to come off all of my medication. I know its controversial but I also know its real no matter the real underlying cause, a positive "Not gonna let it overcome me" attitude…
  • I would love for us to stay in touch, maybe our journeys can help each other since we are in the same boat!!
  • Thanks!! I need positive support. I have abest friend who is a finatic and her support is tough love, which doesn't work well with me! My boys are 11 and 12. I am still not sure how I keep my head above ground :-) Thanks for your kind words