
  • Facebook: Danielle Aiken Twitter: @DanielleAiken1 :)
  • here are some good ideas :)
  • omg i love boston it is soooo nice there! lucky you :)
  • Another great idea! I currently am finishing up my 2nd year at Buffalo State College in New York. By August I will be a student in Minnesota! (hopefully attending The Universtiy Of Minnestoa) Oh! And I am a communications major and have NO idea what I want to do with my life. lol :)
  • So excited about this. it is such a great idea! cant wait to add my #s to the total!
  • Of course! we can do this together. i am offically starting tmrw but preparing myself today, if that makes sense. lol. My bf lives in minnesota right now and i live in new york, he was here with me for a week over christmas. i cant wait for him to see me next time we are together. gonna make his jaw drop :)
  • Hey everyone! I am so excited that LoLo created this page !!! My name is Danielle, but i go by Dee. I am 19 and finishing up my 2nd year at Buffalo State College. I am transfering to The University of Minnesota at the end of the summer and wanna be lookin feirce as hell for my boyfriend, who i will then be living with. :)…
  • Hey everyone! It is sooooo great to see all of these responses and friend requests! You all are more than welcome to add me as a friend so that we can help support eachother on our own journeys :) Hope you hear from you all soon!
  • Thats great to here, congrats on the 30th class reunion! I wish you the best of luck on your journey! you seem to have a really good mind set on it all already.... mine comes and goes. somedays im all about being healthy, other days i just want my chocolate! haha :) But this website is a real eye opener, there are so many…
  • Hey amber :) you dont know how great it is to see another college student on here! I was begining to wonder if i was the only one lol
  • Hi! I also just signed up, after eating some fast food and deciding that i needed to change. Not that i eat out all that often, but it was still an eye opener. I too can not wait to be able to walk around in my bathing suit in the summer and not worry about what i look like. :) i wish you the best of luck :)
  • Hi Alicia! I am Danielle. I may not be a mother or married yet (since I am 19, almost 20) lol :) I do however understand being a food addict and in a relationship with someone who has a metabolisem I can only dream of. They sure are lucky. I will soon be moving in with my boyfriend who loves to eat and wont gain anything…
    in Hello! Comment by AIKENDE01 January 2012