
My name is Alicia i am 25 years old (almost 26!) i am a mother to the two most beautiful girls you will ever see in your life ( not that im biased or anything) and i have wonderful supportive husband. I am also a food addict (not diagnosed by doctors but trust me when you think about food 24/7 and have to talk your self out of eating everything in site you kinda get the jist your addicted). i am currently 220 lbs and im 5'8" so obviously overweight. Im despratly looking for support from people who understand what its like to be in my shoes. My husband is supportive but at 5'8" and 115 lbs with a GREAT metabolisem he just dosent get what it feels like to be me. My goal at the moment is to lose a total of 70 lbs and to see that number still shocks me. ive always been over weight, im an emotional eater, a bordem eater, a just because its sitting there eater. you name it ill eat for that reason. hardest part is im a cook and i LOVE to cook. i could spend all day in the kitchen, so now i jsut have to find ways to cook healthy and ive started by buying helathy things and thos things i do buy that are not i portion out so im only eating one portion at a time not sitting down eating the whole damned box of cheese its in one sitting. i really want a place to go where im understood and accepted and supported and im hoping this is it and id lvoe to make new freinds and maybe find some people in my area (good luck there) that have the same goal as i do!


    Hi Alicia! I am Danielle. I may not be a mother or married yet (since I am 19, almost 20) lol :) I do however understand being a food addict and in a relationship with someone who has a metabolisem I can only dream of. They sure are lucky. I will soon be moving in with my boyfriend who loves to eat and wont gain anything no matter what he eats. Isnt he lucky? But i also am looking to loose some weight! i wish you the best of luck!