

  • Baby steps. I wouldn't/didn't start with all out *running* but jogging with baby steps. Doesn't have to be that fast or hard, and it's easier on your knees to build up to running that way. And Couch to 5k is a good guideline too.
  • Your body doesn't care how much excess you have, you drop below 1200 cals/day and your body WILL go into starvation mode. It's been maintaining a certain weight range for a while, and as far as it knows, it needs to keep doing that., but suddenly there are less materials available for doing that, so it will hold on to…
  • I'm a little late for Monday check-in, but my weight that day was 271, so a 4lb loss. Yay! :) I only did about 30 squats, but I have been using my Wii Fit and boxing a lot more.
  • This sounds like a great challenge to kick me into gear... 9/22 SW - 275 GW by Halloween- 250 (25 lb pumpkin) What I'm willing to do to lose the weight? - walk more, use my Wii Fit, cut back on chocolate! and DRINK MORE WATER What will my reward be when I reach my goal on Halloween?- losing 25lbs will be very rewarding…