

  • The polar RS300X with the GPS foot thingy is a lil pricey but awesome and worth every penny!
  • I'm a maaassive carb-lover too! If I have refined carbs I get into a vicious cycle of craving more and more (helped along by my insulin resistance and thyroid issues) so I just completely avoid them...after a couple of hard weeks you'll begin to feel like you don't need them :) One of the best replacements to refined carbs…
  • Hey :) I don't mean to sound rude, but do you find tummy fat a problem area too? Sometimes(well, often) fat distribution can be affected by hormones...if I remember right, cortisol contributes to holding more weight around the middle and also can cause excess fat in the upper back area while the limbs remain relatively…
  • go to "my home" and then the tab "check-in" and look for "Edit Previous Entries" :)
  • The 'best' alcoholic drinks as such are the ones that don't have much sugar in the mixer. Wine isn't overly high in calories on the scale of things (some alcoholic cocktails can have 800 calories a serve) but vodka or gin mixed with zero calorie soda water and maybe a squeeze of lemon for flavour is only 70 calories a…