perdie7 Member


  • I just got one of these a month ago, I absolutly love it! inexpensive and it works, unlike a couple of others I have tried over the years. and it's comfortable, I use it for all m workouts now.…
  • i have a polar FT7, I've been using it for about a month now and it seems to be working great. the heart rates and calorie burns seem accurate and consistent with what I'm geting when I'm running and doing other exercises.
  • I'm 5' 5" and 177 pounds.. .the only time I burn 10 calories a min is when I'm running and my heart rate is up averageing 155. when my heart rate is averaging in the 140 range I'm burning about 8 calories a main. Size makes a difference too, the more weight the higher the calories it could be right for you.
  • People "running" on the treadmill that jump on the sides every two minutes to get a drink of water, adjust something for a minute, and talk about how they run so much, but just aren't seeing any results. [/quote] I do this, it's called intervals. When Im jumping on the sides, Im changing my speed, cause I can't multi task…
  • And on the 8th day God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker!". So, God made a farmer! God said I need somebody to get up before dawn and milk cows and work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper and then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board. So, God…
  • I had been using the estimates from the machine and just got a heart rate monitor....big difference arc 30 minutes machine was saying around 300 calories , the monitor says 230 Running...35 min machine 420, monitor 348 Elliptical 30 min machine 350, monitor 229
  • the Monitor I bought is made for swimming, I look long and hard for one I could use in the pool. Why would it be less accurate in the pool than running? it has cut my calories count by 200 and hour, while swimming.
  • I use this, it doesn't just keep track, you can set a routine, and it has a rest timmer.
  • does she show up in workout cloths? I sometimes run outside, then come to the gym to lift weights, elliptical or swim? I'm pretty sure on those days I walk into the gym smelling bad
  • did you agree to do the job you are doing, for the pay and time off you are getting? If they answer is yes, then you have noting to say or complain about. what he has agreed to work for, and what time he gets off, is between him and the boss.
  • I home schooled my 5 kids until the last two years, my youngest two went to 2-3 years of public high school, and came home with almost no homework. I am wondering why people feel they must have 2-3 hours of home work? Why can't they get it done in the 7 hours they are at school? Also, they are at school for 7 hours, with…
  • I would suggest going back to endomondo and making sure you are linked with MFP on the sharing. I linked them this morning and it tracked my bike ride and added it to my exercised on MFP. Only dray back is, endomondo says (and added to MFP) and over 800 calories. If I had loged it myselft on MFP it would only be 500…
  • I am seriously going to have to try this, ALWAYS blister in shoes with backs, so I always blister when I run, not matter how much I run, and since I run 3x a week now, I ALWAYS have blisters.
  • get a covered litter box. you can get them at kmart for about $12. It not only keeps the dog out, but the odor stays in.
  • My son gets free meals, eats all the lunch, and eats something he brings from home. There are lots of kids who get free meals who are in sports. he eats breakfast at 7:30 am, lunch around noon, then runs after school from 3:30 - 5:00 or 6:00, that 850 calories doesn't last long.
  • in the garage of a funeral home
  • It's not that they won't eat it, it's simply not enough for growing kids. My son is in high school, and on the cross country team. I figured is calorie intake, by age, weight and activity level, 3500 a day 600 for lunch is not enough.
  • never had one, won't get one. When I worked in assisted living two of us didn't get flu shot, and everyone but us two, got the flu.
  • Iowa....I'm always cold, so even in 100 degree weather no AC running.... Yes I've turned on the heat, just first thing in the AM to bring the temp in the house up to 68-70 then turn it off cause the days are nice enough that it stays there.
  • When I started, I couldn't do week 1...had to do it twice. There was another week I had to do twice too. then I got to the day where you all of a sudden ( or so it seemed to me) had to go 2 miles, and I did it. After I finished the program one day I was running and decided to do 4 problem, then a week later I…
  • I spent most of my married life as a "stay at home", then I had to go back to work for 3 years. While I was at home I did the majority of the house work. When I had a "job" I did way less than 1/2. After my experience in both situations is that When I was at home full time, and did most of the house work, I had more…
  • I haven't gotten into it with other parents... but my son (17 at the time) was getting harassed verbally by a boy at school, we talked about it, and he just ignored the kid. Then one day this kid pantsed my son as they were going into class, my son grabbed him around the neck, pushed him against the wall and told him if he…
  • people will never stop bugging because you don't have because I do. When I was pregnant with number 3, I started getting rude comments, "do you know what causes that", "do you know how overpopulated the world is, you shouldn't be bringing more into this world".."you can't possibly take proper care of…
  • I had a couple of friends that were losing weight using a shake product...they were posting several times a day on face book, with pictures. It frustrated me, yes maybe I was jealous, but it was also wreaking havok on my will power/desire/motivation to keep doing it the "correct" way. So I finally set my facebook to not…
  • When I started in March I couldn't do it either...I had to do week 1 two times. It did get eaiser, then one day it told me to run 2 miles and I thought yea right....and I did it! Then I ran three miles...then one day I was running and decided..hummm wonder if I can do 4 miles, and I did, then one day I thought hummm wonder…
  • last week, when I was 5 weeks post surgery, so I hadn't lifted for 5 weeks, and had only returned to cardio the week before. I did 16 pushup, wearing a military weighted jacket...wonder how many that I could have done if I wasn't post surgery