kayms13 Member


  • Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me that slow and steady is ok, as long as we keep working at it!
  • I often mix cereals together--for example 3/4 cup Special K with 1/4 cup Kashi or Fiber One with some berries on top. You get the extra fiber, but I would have a hard time eating a bowl of only Kashi Go Lean. Now in the winter I eat a lot of oatmeal. As far as yogurt, I just like the taste of some brands over others. Most…
  • Hello--after having some success with weight loss this winter, I've gotten lazy the last couple months. I'm finally ticked off at myself enough to get going again. My July goal is to log in every day. If I can do that, other things should fall into place! I've been trying Zumba this past month. I enjoy it very much,…
  • Great job! I'm in the same boat as you are--dr. wanted to put me on cholesterol meds, but gave me 6 months to improve the numbers on my own. Hope I have the same good results that you did!
  • A gloomy evening here. We're supposed to get snow tonight & tomorrow. Fortunately the worst of it will be north of us. They say the robins get snowed on 3 times before spring is really here. So we're not out of the woods yet :grumble: Kim in N Cal - Edgar is probably more than 100 miles from where I am. I remember being…
  • I don't log on vacation. Try to make good choices, but enjoy the great food. Don't beat yourself up when you show a gain (because you will, but some of it will be water retention). And get back on track when you get home. Have fun!
  • Happy April! Hope this month finally brings us spring. The snow is disappearing, and I can't wait to see green and growing things again! :flowerforyou: I'm so jealous of those who are already enjoying daffodils and cherry blossoms. Tulips are my favorite spring flower. Reviewed my March goals, and though I wasn't perfect,…
  • Hello everyone! I haven't posted anything for a while--I often log my food and scan thru your posts on my lunch break, then no time to respond. I continue to be encouraged by your successes and empathize with your struggles. I've checked out some other threads, and often see that people just want to criticize the poster.…
  • Alison, add me to the list of those who are concerned for you. Please find someone you can talk to and help sort things out. Barbie, thanks for the link to the plank video. The same nice-looking young man also had a video on doing crunches on a stability ball that was helpful. One of my goals is to work on strength and…
  • Bump. Thanks for all the great ideas.
  • Interesting about sugar using up magnesium in your body. That could explain why my blood work last year showed I was low. Sugar has always been my downfall. Congrats to all who have new grandbabies :flowerforyou: Hopefully one day that will be me! And yanniejannie--good for you to treat yourself to a manicure, massage &…
  • This cold weather is really getting me down. We just can't shake the cold weather here in the Midwest. :grumble: Wish it would at least warm up enough to melt the ice on my driveway. Pennie, I hear you about being sick and not losing weight. Seems my metabolism shuts down completely when I'm sick. I can't remember who…
  • My dr. wants to put me on cholesterol medication, and I'm hoping to avoid that. Plus I'd like to find out if these aches & pains are due to age or just the extra weight on my hips and knees.
  • Happy February! My goal for this month is to continue with some of the good habits I started in January. I hadn't been exercising much at all previously, and now I've been doing something at least 4 times a week. A friend and I started meeting at an indoor track 2 or 3 times a week. The time goes quickly when you have…
  • I'm back with MFP again. Had some success a couple years ago with it, then foot surgery, gained most of the weight back, so trying again. Logging my food really works--I just have to do the work! My biggest motivation came from having my cholesterol checked a couple months ago and found it's higher than it was a few years…
  • I've also been on meds for hypothyroidism for years, and last blood test showed I was in the "normal" range. However I started having symptoms such as fatigue and constipation, so the dr. increased my dosage which helped immensely. What's the difference between Magnesium Glycinate and other forms of Magnesium? I've been…
  • My new favorite snack is Cocoa Almonds. 24 almonds are 160 calories, contains good fats, a little chocolate, and satisfies my mid-afternoon hunger.
  • bump. Thanks for the great ideas.
  • Well, I didn't exactly stay with my plan during June, but I did pretty much maintain, so that's a victory right there :smile: Goals for July are to get back in the habit of logging my food and increase my activity. You would think with fresh veggies and fruits, it should be easy to eat healthy this time of year. Too many…
  • I'm back! The past month has been a challenge--too many social occasions. It's easy to get out of the habit of logging what I eat. I am committed to do better and keep working toward my goal! Picked strawberries this morning. I appreciate the California produce growers, but there's nothing like fresh-picked local berries!…
  • These look great--anything with chicken and cheese!
  • Well, April wasn't a total disaster, but I didn't meet the goals I had set. Now in May I'll try to get back on track and not let those old habits become normal again. Hopefully there will be less overtime at work so more time for a workout and healthy meal preparation. Several special events coming up this month. One of my…
  • You're right--plenty of excuses. There are always going to be stresses in your life, whether it's school, job, kids, relationships, illness, whatever. You can't "get your health sorted out" only when there's no other stress! Eating healthy does take planning and work. But you can do it if you want to. I've been frustrated…
  • I've been there :grumble: The important thing is to get back on track right away and move on.
    in Pig Out Comment by kayms13 April 2012
  • Awesome--hope that's me one day :happy:
  • When someone "gave it 110%". You can't give more than 100%. If I give 120% am I trying harder than you?
  • The last couple weeks have been in a "lose a pound-gain a pound back" mode. It gets frustrating, so I've been trying to reflect on how far I've come. 1. I've been much better with meal planning. Not very often anymore that I come home from work and open the freezer wondering what in the world to make for supper. If I have…
  • Happy April! Goals for the month: 1. Try 2 new healthy recipies 2. Eat 5 a day fruits & veggies 3. Start strength training again Have a great week!
  • Congrat on your 10 lb star Meg! Hope you enjoy the concert--I love the Moody Blues too. Saw them once with a full orchestra backup--awesome! Bad food day yesterday, but today was much better. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or an actual benefit of healthier eating, but my fingernails have never looked better! Have…
  • Whatever works for you. Weekdays I eat 3 meals and a morning snack. Weekends are always different (and usually the most difficult)--depends what I'm doing.