

  • This is a good article for this topic. http://diet.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Side_Effects_of_Too_Much_Protein_in_the_Diet it includes a chart for you to figure out your protein requirements, too.
  • I have lots! try this one brussel sprouts: make a balsamic reduction (simmer 1 c balsamic vinegar until only 2/3 c remains), wash and cut brussel sprouts in half, place in a 9x9 dish with the reduction and bake for 30 minutes at 375. (or, just put 'em in a frying pan with a little evoo to save you time, then add reduction…
  • ...You discover you have cheekbones! ...Your arms don't wiggle as much as they used to. ...The "spare tire" starts to look "deflated"
  • One thing that is nice about calorie counting is that after you do it for a while, you learn to judge for yourself how many calories something has. (It only took me about a month to figure out how many calories my favorite foods have). Another thing that is nice about calorie counting programs like MyFitnessPal, is that…
  • I worked at a fast food restaurant when I was 15 and developed a love for dr. pepper! Because I was young, I didn't see the harm in it until I was about 19. After reminding myself about all of the sodium, sugar (and who knows what else) that was in it everytime I opened a can, I decided to quit. It only took me about 1…