

  • I hope that's a joke. Edit: In response to NormInv's Beckham comment, I mean.
  • I have to agree. It's one thing if it's crowded, but if there's a sea of treadmills to pick from, why do you have to run next to me? Hate it. Major pet peeve. I often think about switching machines in the middle of my run when that happens (though I've yet to actually do that). I generally just fume in my head for a minute…
  • I'm about 6' - I think I'm actually more like 5' 11 3/4" - not sure how exact we're trying to be. I love heels. Wear them daily to work (desk job). If anyone can recommend where the tall guys of the world are located, it would be appreciated.
  • At work, so I can't measure my tallest heels, but I love them! It's nice to hear I'm not the only one that towers over her friends. Can definitely be awkward at times, but they're so lovely, I can never give them up. (I'm about 6')