I think you look smashingly pretty in all your pics. Thank you for posting on this topic. Niceness going out should get Nice coming back, equals supportive community on MFP.:smile:
Anything Soy! Yuckorama Yo Go.
You are the most influential person in her life and always willbe. If she sees and knows you are countin every cal in every mouthful, she will worry that she should be doin the same, or that she will have to someday, just like you do.
Double post, oops!
yep, me too, I thought we were all speaking in general terms!
well Monster, I guess we will just have to be in disagreement then.
Ive noticed that too but here at mfp I havent seen anyone who is dangerously underweight or anyone who continues to starve. Most people try to be anorexic for a while but hormones and hunger being what they are it just doesnt set in long enough to do any harm. Why does it worry you so? A few days at even 600 calories will…
Well, I'm 61 years old and there isnt much the "outside world" hasnt dealt me. I think there will be bullies here on mfp just like everywhere else, dont you?
There are critics, and there are *****es, and there are bullies, and there are psychopaths. Sometimes its hard to tell the difference. When I want to help someone see something for their benefit I should always do so with politeness, compassion, wisdom and courtesy, otherwise I'm not really much better than the last three…
thanks maidente 'll try to remember to type faster from here on out. So I decided to weigh a few days early this week and lost 2 pounds so I now weigh 121. But that means I'm still over my start weight of 118 pounds. All that I did differently was stop all excersize except my Yoga which I am dependent on and have been…
I hope someone responds soon, same thing is happening to me. I was doing a lot less walking etc. Then I started mfp and have gained about 4 pounds in 32 days. I've been a bit below calorie goals some days and a few times a bit over, not more than 50. I'm puzzled. I only wanted to maintain but figured if I lost 3 or 4 I…
Fruit and veggies seem to cost less than other food, especially if you prepare them from fresh yourself. That is true for most foods that are wholesome and nutritient dense with low calories. I get my excersize by walking my dog twice a day, housework burns an incredible amount of cals, especially sweeping and vacuming. I…
I don't believe it.
I like Jillian I don't like it when people call her an idiot.
Thank you for posting this. The same is happening to me, I've gained 2 at least, maybe 3 pounds! :(
Barley bread and flax seeds do it for me! plus apples, peaches and plenty of cabbage, broccoli, well, just lots of veggies! Food is more natural; the exact amount of water with the fiber,plus other nutrients are right in the foods.
What's your frame size? mine is small so I can go to the bottom of the healthy range and its ok. Its possible that you can really be anywhere in the range of either of those weights for your hieght. Its up to you on how you feel. If your energy etc is good and you have no health problems you can just go with what you want.
she did'nt say she was making herself sick! honestly I don't think this young lady has an eating disorder, a lot of people are over reacting to her post! She is healthy and is figuring out for herself that she needs to make some adjustments to do what is best for herself. I'm standing firm with the thoughts that she can do…
Good going! I'm smoke free for over 20 years now. After the first year was over, the cravings were entirely gone, I've rarely thought of picking one up again. Happy you; to have joined the nicotine free crowd!
I understand. I think what I'm going through parallels your experience. I began to count calories in a sort of haphazard way, I weighed 175 several years ago, about 6 years I think. Eventually, like you, I managed to reach a very low weight, I was active, not as active as you are, but lots of walks, chi gong, yoga and when…
Hi, I just started trying the zig zag and lost a pound in the second week. I think I will go back to the steady cal count and see if that works for me like Peddlepusher's did, since I'm just at the end of the second week now. I'll check back and let you know how it went. Liz