

  • Thank you!!
  • I tried to find my answer on the message boards, so forgive me if it's a dopey question - when the recommended water intake is 8 glasses a day, are they meaning eight 8ounce glasses? Or what measurements are we talking here?? Thanks!!:drinker:
  • As far as celebrities, I like Queen Latifah, because she doesn't talk about being skinny, she talks about being healthy. Healthy is a lot more important!! :bigsmile:
  • I am a fashion design student, and I find it terribly annoying that women's wear is the only category that does not have any regulation as far as sizing. It's kinda willy-nilly. And furthermore, there are very few of my classmates who design for anything over a size six!! On principle, I rarely make anything lower than a…
  • I've been doing this for a little over a week, watching and journaling my food and going to the gym, and it already feels like a losing battle. I've only had one day where I was under my allotted calories for the day. Of course I am not going to quit, but man, is this just a beginning hurdle I have to get over?? The only…
  • Thanks for all the encouragement!!! The bf knows this is important to me, and is supportive, so I am hoping he will be willing to add the veggies and cut back on butter, etc. He's just a meat and potatoes guy! But I appreciate the welcome!
  • I am thankful for this site. I am a student on a teeny budget and free is always good :) I have never been thin or a healthy weight but in the last year I have gained a horrible amount of weight and I just want to feel better and have my clothes fit again. I joined a gym and went for the first time last night. Meanwhile, I…