waxon81 Member


  • Moroccan style cous cous ranks up there with my favourite foods.
  • I spent a great week at butlins last week. Didn't worry about weight gain or calories and put on 3.5 lbs in a week. It was a small price to pay for the first 'break' from my diet in 6 months and I'm confident I'll shed that as quick as I gained it. Bottom line. Don't worry if you gained, it was after all a holiday Good…
  • Do it the other way round. Follow intermitant fasting (IF). Don't eat until the evening and only eat within a certain timeframe eg. 5 - 9pm
  • This is a great answer
  • [/quote] (QUOTE) I agree over 20g over the limit (bad day) also what does IIFYM stand for? What about the sugar/carb intakes? I mean if they are over buy 5g or w/e? But calories is under by a lot? [/quote] If it fits your macros
  • Sperm whales brain. Although I find it hard to visualise one
  • I couldn't agree more
  • Do you like peanut butter? Swap out a low calorie snack for a PB&j and thus up your calories by about 400 a day (or if that's not to your taste, find a calorie dense alternative). It's likely that you've just got an enviable metabolism
  • Did 80 consecutive push ups.
  • God I love peanut butter......
  • I have 3 healthy happy fit kids who pretty much eat what they want, and are only slightly moderated by me. I would rather they had a happy relationship with food now, rather than a potentially worrying 'fussy eating' fear of foods issue when they get into adulthood. Bottom line is, as long as my kids are happy and eating…
  • Always on a Saturday morning. This gives me a week to make up for eating too much on the weekend :)
  • I saw Gary glitter in London last year. Lol (not that That's anything worth getting excited about). The annoying thing was with my job I spent a lot of time in Paris, Monaco, Switzerland, Spain ect ect and after visiting those countries and beautiful cities over and over I never once saw a famous face. Then I get into…
  • This. It all depends on your idea of big. I know a guy who's arms are 2 inches smaller than mine but his body fat is so low they look bigger to the naked eye. Also, don't over complicate protein. 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight will easily cover your needs. if your starting to lift now at almost aged 60 I would…
    in Big Muscles Comment by waxon81 July 2014
  • Height 5" 9' Age 33 Weight 188lbs (85.5) First photo tensed Second & third photo flexed. post workout on push day Any input greatly appreciated :) Here's my progress so far
  • Many thanks sidesteel
  • I started p90x at 200lbs, and at the end of the 3 month programme I was 170lbs. Diet is everything, I tried to follow it as instructed as closely as my limited finances would allow. Each time you workout, go literally flat out as hard as you can. At the end you will look and feel better than ever before. Good luck
  • Couldn't agree more. A couple of weeks ago I had a couple of friends around just lifting weights and having a good session, put 100kg on the bar for bench press and told the guys to stand either side and help me if I get pinned, I don't normally go too heavy as I workout alone. Halfway thru a rep the guy on my left sees me…
  • Doms is your friend. If I don't feel sore, I feel like I've not pushed hard enough. The first week I squatted (proper atg squats) I had never felt muscle soreness like it before. However on the second week it wasn't as bad, and so on until any doms I get is a reminder I've worked hard rather than a really off putting side…
  • Depending on the strength I am reliably informed the calories will vary wildly. You could expect an average of 200/250 cals for a pint of ale. So, not too bad really
  • I dont do cheat days, but i Once a week I have a takeaway, every other day I'm extremely careful with everything that passes my lips but on Fridays it's dilligaf night. I probably eat around 2000+ cals over. I'm still losing each week so as long as that continues so will my cheats/treats. If I didn't have one night where I…
  • However.... I am intrigued enough to find out now. I'll report back tommorrow
  • I'm going to hazard a guess at 200cals a pint (give or take). I work in a brewery and the subject has never come up once, I expect I would be punched and laughed at by a large group of men if I uttered those words whilst on the premises.lol Runbrew clearly knows his stuff too, some good stuff there
  • The jokes on them then, your doing fantastic. As long as you know what your doing works you shouldn't care about their opinions. Everybody's an expert on sorting other people's issues....
  • Good subject. I'm 5'9", and weigh just under 200lbs. I don't currently work out as I work in a brewery and spend most days continuously lifting 50kg casks for hours on end. I'm currently losing between 2-3lbs a week and eating 1700cals a day. I'm looking to get down to 180 and then start the weights and slow bulk. The last…
  • I have a Chinese takeaway at least every fortnight, sometimes once a week. I eat like a pig and still loose at weigh in day because I'm strict throughout the week. One blowout a week won't kill you, sure you might not lose as much as if you were super strict every night but for me I wouldn't enjoy healthy eating if I…
  • Better than anything else. And it's free! There's only two things required for it to work... Honesty and consistency As a bonus the forums are always active and full of like minded friendly people. What's not to like. Here's to your success :)
  • Profile pic. The guy in the pic above me has great arms. After 3 months too. You obviously have a great frame for muscle mass
  • To me the way it's presented is wrong, it almost looks like it should be captioned "I'm smoking hot! why aren't you?" I'm fairly sure that wasn't the intended message though. No, she doesn't need to apologise. Everybody involved in this image must have been aware of the potential shock factor and ensuing…
  • I used to spend a lot of time on bb.com. This is a frequently asked question there. Generally the overwhelming response was it doesn't matter when you consume your protein as long as your getting it into your system. Having said that, some people swear by immediately having a pre or post workout shake or else their hard…