waxon81 Member


  • Been using mfp for around 6 years on and off, currently on a 246 day streak. 35years old family guy and really focusing on getting in the best shape of my life. Feel free to send me an add. Half of my friends list is now inactive so I'm looking for motivated people like myself
  • 1000 days takes incredible willpower. I've just hit 100 days, my most being 364 days. You've had that feeling of motivation before, it shouldn't be too hard to rekindle. Good luck with whatever challenge you take on
  • Definitely worth a try. Sick of 2250 a day!
  • Other than being high In carbs they are fine, and I work them into my macro allowance for the day. I eat potatoes at least 4 or 5 times a week, usually in the form of home made chips and still lose weight (I stay under on calories)
  • My advise is to stop loosing weight. Increasing your muscle mass (even by a small amount) will make a huge difference to your physique. Your a similar age and height to me and weigh 20lbs less, I went down to the 160's once and won't be doing it again as I felt and looked emaciated. If you don't fancy joining a gym buy a…
  • I aim for 180g a day of protein and often find that if I don't supplement with powder then it's hard for me to hit. And as stated, powders are there to supplement your diet not replace it, if you can hit your target then powders are unnecessary
    in protein Comment by waxon81 August 2014
  • As of tommorrow I'm starting my new routine of getting up at 5.45 so I can get my excercise done before the kids get up at 7 and I leave for work at half 7. At least that way I'll be spending whole evenings with my family instead of missing out on an hour. I am however NOT looking forward to it as I am not a morning person…
  • Surprisingly elaborate too
  • Amazing job. Congrats
  • I am now hungry...
  • Try 2100 for a few weeks, at the end of that period you should know exactly how accurate it was and by how much you will need to adjust if needs be
  • I am a ppl convert. I do a slightly modified version of this and am seeing the best gains of my adult life http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149807833
  • I would be very interested to know how much muscle you can gain. Obviously it's nigh on impossible to be accurate here but humour me... In lbs how much muscle (lbm) do you believe you can you gain in let's say, a month . (As in you gain 5lbs but X lbs of this is muscle)
  • As stated above Starting strength Strong lifts For me I found this routine excellent, although I had a bit of strength training prior http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=4195843 After building a good base with that I moved on to http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149807833 Which has given me the…
  • Your photos don't give a lot away, however at a glance I would say that it's doubtful what your seeing in the mirror is reflected accurately. I certainly would not recommend loosing more weight. Start lifting weights, gain some muscle and you'd be surprised what an amazing effect this could have on an untrained 'soft'…
  • Don't focus too much on your weight especially if your planning on gaining muscle, use measurements and your reflection as well as weighing yourself. However, too many people kid themselves as to how much muscle they can gain in a week, if your gaining .5lbs a week of pure muscle (which is almost impossible to accurately…
  • Chinese is a weak spot of mine, however I get guys at work eating all sorts of yummies, they also enjoy offering them to me.lol it doesn't bother me any more because all I have to do is look at them and I realise how much better off I am with my diet....which I in turn enjoy telling them ;)
  • I don't know where I would be now if it wasn't for my wife and kids
  • Oddly enough I went through this a while ago. I couldn't tell you what caused it, but happily I can confirm it went away
  • This douche has been at it all morning
  • Once a week I have Fish chips and mushy peas from the local chippy. Even then I calorie count it, so I can account for any blips. I've still been consistently loosing even with this. Truth is once a week won't make any difference, it's when it's once every few days is when you'll notice. I don't consider it cheating…
  • Yup, I rely more on the mirror now than what the scales tell me
  • Most of the obvious answers already given. I would say my own personal pitfall was expecting to see results quicker and then struggling with slower than expected progress
  • Eggs are a good source of: protein vitamin D vitamin A vitamin B2 iodine There is no recommended limit on how many eggs people should eat. But to get the nutrients you need, make sure you eat as varied a diet as possible. Eggs and cholesterol Eggs contain cholesterol, and having high cholesterol levels in our blood…
    in Eggs Comment by waxon81 August 2014
  • I believe my body is happier with a higher body fat, bit of a tummy and love handles. I'm not however.lol. Unless I'm extremely strict with diet and excercise it's not long before I reset back to my skinny fat base
  • Congratulations. Good luck with your future goals :)
  • ^ yup, if you can't excercise through injury then calorie counting is the best way to lose weight without doubt.
  • Personally I've always found I've lost more weight the less carbs I consumed, whether that was mainly water weight I couldn't say for sure, however as mentioned above, calories in vs out is generally the deciding factor in weight loss
  • Weight loss can't be targeted to a specific area like just your thighs. Keep up the cardio, and keep eating at a deficit, maybe consider barbell squats to maximise muscularity in your lower half.