Cheat day?

I don't mean to open a can of worms or anything but I was wondering if I could get some opinions about a "cheat day." I feel really good about my weight loss this time. Previous attempts have always ended in me going on a binge of all the foods I had restricted myself from eating. I have never lasted more than a month. I have been told that its a good idea not to restrict any food. Just have small portions or eat in moderation. I'm just not confident that I would be able to stop at a single portion. Any opinions/tips are very welcome.


  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    Once a week I have Fish chips and mushy peas from the local chippy. Even then I calorie count it, so I can account for any blips. I've still been consistently loosing even with this. Truth is once a week won't make any difference, it's when it's once every few days is when you'll notice. I don't consider it cheating either, it's just part of my routine now
  • ssbobbyh
    ssbobbyh Posts: 19 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your weight-loss! Secondly, I'm no expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

    For me, a little planning goes a long way. I simply plan a large meal equivalent to my total recommended daily calorie intake (1500 for myself). Then, on my cheat day, I exercise, eat a healthy breakfast, and then enjoy my cheat day meal, whether that is a big lunch or a big dinner.

    Just keep in mind that the phrase "cheat day" is singular. Earn your cheat day, enjoy your cheat day, and then work hard for the next 6 days to earn the next one.
  • strawberrycoconut87
    strawberrycoconut87 Posts: 19 Member
    Last time I tried a cheat meal, I totally fell off the wagon and stopped dieting altogether. It might work for some people though.
  • MsBetteDavis
    MsBetteDavis Posts: 118 Member
    For me I don't really have what I would call cheat days, but that's only because in order for me to be successful in maintaining my goal weight (which I've achieved), I can't restrict myself much. I want to still enjoy food and I want to be relaxed about it so that I don't go crazy in terms of constantly measuring and calculating every little thing (I can get a little OCD about things and that's not healthy for me). So I still eat whatever I want, I just try and keep it within my daily calorie allowance.

    However, since I do exercise 4 times a week (and I don't normally eat much of my exercise cals back, if at all), I do give myself some leeway which is also important.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I agree with the no restrictions thing..... eat what you want in moderation. If you dont think you can stop yourself then you might as well give up now. You must learn this in order to succeed. Sorry, but its true. I would love to eat pizza until my hearts desire, but, I know what I want my body to look like and overeating just aint gonna do the trick

    I personally have a cheat MEAL (not day). By cheat, I mean for the one meal eating whatever quantity of food I want without worrying about calories, protein intake, sugars, etc..... It has worked well for me. As time goes on though, once you see the hard work paying off your mind will naturally not allow you to sabatage your hard work by going too overboard with this meal. At least for me anyway.....
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I don't believe in cheat meals or cheat days because to say the word "cheat" i feel puts pressure on things in a negative way. I can't cheat on my life, it's not a test.

    I eat what I want, when I want, I've just learned about portion control and moderation by logging and watching the numbers.
  • Joanjett88
    Joanjett88 Posts: 87 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your weight-loss! Secondly, I'm no expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

    For me, a little planning goes a long way. I simply plan a large meal equivalent to my total recommended daily calorie intake (1500 for myself). Then, on my cheat day, I exercise, eat a healthy breakfast, and then enjoy my cheat day meal, whether that is a big lunch or a big dinner.

    Just keep in mind that the phrase "cheat day" is singular. Earn your cheat day, enjoy your cheat day, and then work hard for the next 6 days to earn the next one.

    This is exactly what I do! It has worked wonderfully so far. Still losing weight and toning while I get to enjoy a "cheat" meal about once a week.
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    Once a week when I am cutting, I have a re-feed day, basically you double your carbohydrate intake without adjusting your other macros, yes you will go over your calories but it helps keep your metabolism in check as it will start to drag *kitten* when on a constant low calorie diet. Body builders have been doing this forever, it benefits you physically, physiologically and more than those, mentally. Cutting weight can be nerve wracking, re-feed days allow you room to eat things you normally cannot.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    I work out 5 days a week, and I rest for 2.

    For 5 days out of the week, I eat at a 500 calorie deficit and I do *NOT* eat back my exercise calories.

    For 2 days out of the week, I eat at maintenance. Those are my "cheat" days. The extra 500 calories + no exercise really makes it feel like a reward for successfully completing the other 5. Plus, there's the added bonus that I know I haven't gone backwards *at all*.

    Giving myself those 2 days really does help avoid feeling the need to binge eat away either a meal or a day and potentially undo at least some of the gains I made the rest of the week.

    FYI: Doing things that way actually is averaging me at a net 1.5 pound/week calorie deficit, so take that for what's it worth.
  • reachingforarainbow
    reachingforarainbow Posts: 224 Member
  • litchfieldd
    litchfieldd Posts: 43 Member
    I log everything as accurately as possible, and I eat 100% of my cardio exercise calories back (recorded on an HRM). If I want a treat and there is room then I have it, if not, I postpone it to later that week.

    But somethings can be more challenging to fit - for me having a 'few' beers would be difficult!. I don't want to 'cheat' and put my head in the sand over what I'm eating. So instead I don't try to perfectly meet my goal every day, rather I make sure it balances across a week. That way I can compensate a more indulgent day by some others with a little more restraint, and I keep my calorie goal high enough to make that practical.
  • MsBetteDavis
    MsBetteDavis Posts: 118 Member
    While I agree you don't need to give anything up you find that some foods are truly a huge obstacle for your weight loss there's nothing wrong with making a conscious choice to avoid them, even if only temporarily, if it's going to help get you where you need to be. Also, you'll notice the people who trumpet, "don't give anything up," the most are those who don't have huge amounts of weight to lose or are pretty fit already. They don't realize that maybe, just maybe, someone who has 200lbs to lose might have an issue with moderation.

    I totally get what you're saying, for sure. Maybe when I say that I don't really give anything up I should always preface it with something like "it's my opinion that for me what works best is..." Because you're right. I've never had a problem with being overweight, I've always been average/petite so I won't completely understand where another person is coming from.
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    I have Pizza Wednesday, pizza for tea and take half to work for lunch on Thursday. Still maintaining steady weight loss!.

    You can't deny all food pleasures or you won't continue on the diet.

    A whole day though may be too excessive, I could easily wind 5000 calories in a day which would wreck my week..
  • TheAndiMe
    TheAndiMe Posts: 11 Member
    I know you and I talked about the "cheat day" but here's my lengthier explanation of why it won't work for ME personally...

    I got to this weight because of binge eating. I can put away A LOT of unhealthy food in one sitting. I realize that to be successful in my weight loss/health journey...I have to teach my body new habits and retrain my mind that the binge eating is bad (no kidding, right?!)
    So...I feel like if I allow myself a "cheat day"...I'm basically telling myself that I can keep my bad eating habits...I just can't do them as often.

    So now....if I want a "bad food"....I have it but I make sure I can work it into my daily calorie count and I have the recommended serving size and no more. I had a mini butterfinger the other night....ate it, enjoyed it, then called it done and had some water. I felt really good about that....small victory to a recovering binge eater :)

    Good luck no matter what you decided to do!
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    I don't have a "cheat day" because
    It kinda sounds like iv been eating junk all day.. But I do have unhealthy meals once and a while
    I agree with moderation and portion control.. I kind of see it as an allowance same as parents do the kids if you do your chores you get your allowance at the end of the week I just same with exercise and food if I exercise all week and I know I've tried and done my hardest one bad meal to me isn't so bad.. I also think you if don't pick a day or make it official like don't seem like you're working to eat and and again back to the allowance run reference just because you get your allowance it don't mean you have to spend it or in this case eat it on a certain day..
    JURISDOCTOR35 Posts: 6 Member
    Mr. K, this macro tracking is killing me, can you please explain in layman terms Macros and how to track them. Would really appreciate it. I am training for figure next year and trying this Macro thing. Thanks :blushing: Brooklyn Fitness Latina Chick