So I had like 1000 days logged....and now...

I am struggling with being motivated. I got pregnant once I hit more than 100lbs lost. I gave in to cravings and the excuse that I was pregnant and fell back into some bad habits. My baby is 9 months now.

I have neglected logging and having a pre-bed snack...which can be bad. (2 oz breakfast sausage-from our own pigs, and 2 small homemade yeast rolls) Both of those ingredients are involved in a cleaner eating pattern, but overindulgence is the issue.

I haven't worked out in weeks. I'm maintaining, thankfully, but I feel SO slothful. My body is getting sore again and I'm just in a funk. Are there any challenges going on that are legit and motivational? I need a "revival"! LOL


  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I see you started logging this morning, so I think you are already getting alittle motived, we all have been there where you just say whatever and then are mad at ourselves later, for doing it. Just remember why you want to lose weight, and think about if you get busy now you wont be , gaining over the holidays and having more weight to lose. I am horr ible about saying when the new year comes around, that I'm gonna lose weight, this way you will be ahead of that. Also there is a challenge going on 20 lbs by Christmas. I know that may sound far away but it will be here before u know it.
    KTRXS Posts: 32 Member
    There is an August cycling challenge going on.
    I think it will be fun!
    KTRXS Posts: 32 Member
    Is there a thread for the Christmas challenge?
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    1000 days takes incredible willpower. I've just hit 100 days, my most being 364 days. You've had that feeling of motivation before, it shouldn't be too hard to rekindle. Good luck with whatever challenge you take on
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I just renewed the thread 20lbs by Christmas challenge, it will be in recent post.Its listed under heading Getting started.