

  • Gyms/fitness centers just don't do it for me. I'm not horribly self-conscious but also not too hot on exercising with a lot of other people. I do occasionally make use of the local exercise room and enjoy it, but not every day - just once in a while. I prefer to just go outside. If things are TOO structured, I personally…
  • So if the treadmill has a hear-rate analyzer that you grab onto, is it still inflating the calories burned? I spent an hour on the treadmill doing moderate-pace walking and fooling around with different inclines - mostly a gentle grade - and it said I burned about 225 calories and walked roughly two miles. I used the heart…
  • I don't eat chicken nuggets because they're too processed and the texture is icky to me. But because of public outcry, most all nuggets these days are made from white meat and not from mechanically separated chicken - which is not as bad as that scare article makes it seem. Check out Snopes' page for a good look at it. Is…
  • Bcattoes - I logged the distance using a map but it may not account well for turnbacks and those little twists and curves that make hiking so much fun. ;) This is the first time I've experimented with seeing how far I traveled and tomorrow I'll be making more careful mental notes. If anything I was short-changing myself on…
  • Thank you so much for the tip! I will check out mapmyrun and see if they can help. This area is pretty rural so a lot of maps may not account for the changes in elevation. And yeah, I think that covering more than a mile and a half, half of which is uphill, would burn off more than 215! And yes, the hike is awesome. Heck,…
  • I'mma bump this up right quick...since the answers I get from you guys will affect what I eat for dinner tonight. :D