Is a gym necessary?



  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    I would say yes. always good to shock you body with new routines.
  • Nyeesha
    Nyeesha Posts: 54
    The gym is worth it for me... I have plenty of workout videos.. A treadmill etc at home that I will use but when I'm home I may not workout as hard .. As long or even at all .. Being at a gym makes me do what I need to do. in addition gyms have whats called a scholarship.. If you can't afford it try to about the scholarship get to use the same gym if you' re paying $20 or $60 ;)
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I lost 80 lbs before without a gym membership. I got into cycling and doing exercise videos (pilates and stability ball with weights). I also watched everything I ate. Then I bought a new bike and hated it and never rode again...and gained it all back.

    Now I'm at a gym and loving it. I like having the pool to swim in and the ellipitcal machines, etc (I also hired a trainer for 3 months to get me started.) I'm almost ready to start riding again though.

    You just have to do whatever it takes to move every day!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Strength training is super beneficial for weight loss and general health, and it's really fun imo. You can do cardio anywhere with little to no equipment, but the best strength training (imo) requires barbells and dumbbells.

    For weight loss you can not work out a single day and lose all the weight, it's all down to eating less, but regular exercise is good for your cardiovascular health, creates a caloric deficit, and increases your metabolism (strength training especially).

    Also, I wouldn't consider things like 30 day shred with 3lb weights strength training... but maybe I'm being elitist. I'm pretty sure the high rep low weight deems it another type of cardio. You'd do better to lift heavy weights, but a lot of people aren't into that I guess.
  • There are so many things you can do for strength training at home. Find some good videos to work with or just make up your own routine to music. I like the gym, but I only go a couple days a week. I workout at home with free weights and videos the rest of the week. On the weekend I go on long hikes with my dogs. It probably isn't worth it for me to have a gym membership, but I do enjoy it when I go.
  • Necessary? Absolutely not. Available to you as a tool? Yes!

    Tons of people lose weight without joining gyms. You should try it out and see if you like it. A lot of gyms have promotional things where you can work out at least one time to get a feel for the place. If you like and think you'll go, get a membership. If you'd be better suited working out in a different environment that's cool too. It's all about what's right for you. Just don't sign up for a gym membership that you won't really use because you shouldn't waste your money.

    Personally, I love my gym. I work out there as often as possible.
  • Gyms/fitness centers just don't do it for me. I'm not horribly self-conscious but also not too hot on exercising with a lot of other people. I do occasionally make use of the local exercise room and enjoy it, but not every day - just once in a while.

    I prefer to just go outside. If things are TOO structured, I personally find them harder to stick with! Others really enjoy the structure and routine of a gym or strength training, and that works great for them. It doesn't float my boat, so I go hiking or walking every day. This lets me vary my route and distance to how I feel on any given day, and I get some "me time" and fresh air too!

    If you're lucky enough to live in a rural area, that can be a really cool option if you feel you aren't getting the most from a gym.
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member
    You don't need to go to a gym. I didn't. And I still don't. Just invest in a set of free weights. ;) You'd be surprised how many people on craigslist are desperate to offload their weights they thought they were going to use ... benches.. bars.
  • I agree with everyone who said it depends on you. I've been a Y member for several years, and I'm finally using it to the fullest. I joined a Biggest Winner challenge, and that is making all the difference. I joined with three friends, and the competition and support are awesome. It's a 12-week program and includes four sessions with a personal trainer. My teammate and I had our first session last week--kickboxing, and we loved it! I'm also addicted to some of the classes I've started taking, including pilates and boot camp. For me, right now, I definitely need the Y and all it offers. I can't wait to look in the mirror in another 11 weeks and see the results.

    Good luck!