

  • Note: Please don't give up or be discouraged by my words below. Because you have a different disease than what I took the prednisone for, your body may react completely differently. Your body could need it so much that you have no adverse affects! God made us all wonderfully different! The following is just my personal…
  • Yes, share your metabolism tips! I, too, have noticed that I am waking up starving! Didn't know that was my metabolism at work. I'll be interested to see if pounds come off faster now - let you know when I do!
    in Metabolism Comment by mdm97b May 2011
  • :smile: Thanks, Friends! Going to add you all. Yeah, I had terrible ideals about my body when I was young, so I am trying super hard to instill good habits and dispel negative weight issues for my own daughter. We were doing really well until the schoolyard kids started using the "fat" word... ugh! Of course she isn't but…