wow congrats!
3kg! It's very achievable, but my environment is constantly changing so I will have to focus on my discipline!
I think about my future and how the state of my health, fitness and body will determine my ability to achieve the things that I see myself doing in 3-5 years and much later on in life. I also make sure that I have goals that centre on different aspects of my life and don't just focus solely on "i want to look thin and…
Wooo! I know how you feel - bread is the death of me. Seriously, stick me on an island with some bread and I'm all set. But congratulations! When it comes to Round 2 vs Baguette, good luck - I'm sure you can do it again :)
Awesome work! What a great idea for a 5k fun run.
Great motivation!
Wow! That's incredible! You look 10x happier, congratulations.
Frozen grapes, cucumber slices, cans of lite tuna, soup (no creamy ones).
After living in a boarding house with limited flexibility on healthy food + alternatives I used simple, easily achievable goals to help cut down. For example, I never drank the juice or cordial that was available at every meal - only water. I also treated myself to an "indulgence" dessert once or twice a week with fruit…
Great work :D you look fantastic!