What do YOU do to keep yourself motivated?



  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    I keep a pair of too small jeans around, and try them on every week or two to see if they're fitting any better. I'm going to need a new pair soon. :)
  • Hakarn
    Hakarn Posts: 62 Member
    I don't really need to stay motivated. I just said to myself two years ago that I wanted to live healthier. I do not care if I lose or gain weight. I use MFP more because I think it is fun to see what I am putting into my body.

    Basically, if you view this journey as your entire life instead of "needing" to hit some milestone, things become routine instead of being a struggle.

    P.S. This mentality will not work for everyone, but it does for me :)
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i come on here, i log my food i weigh in every day, i have my fit bit, i have reminders for meals and snacks and water set as alarms on my phone... think back to when i was thinner, have old pics of me when i was MUCH thinner to keep me motivated... planning exercise with my kids and how much they love it
    so i use a lot of techniques..
    they all mostly work for me ..
    give or take
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    i look in the mirror. lol.
    You beat me to it! One look at my horrendous physique, and im pumped to keep working at it. Because thats the only way it'll happen.
  • lambchoplewis
    I get up, weigh myself, log my food, exercise and read some of these motivational stories. I try to help others by sharing my thoughts and feelings right here!!
  • sorting
    sorting Posts: 11 Member
    I think about my future and how the state of my health, fitness and body will determine my ability to achieve the things that I see myself doing in 3-5 years and much later on in life. I also make sure that I have goals that centre on different aspects of my life and don't just focus solely on "i want to look thin and pretty" etc. That way, irregardless of the fluctuations on the scale, there will always be a goal that I'm edging closer towards in one way or another. I keep my old clothes (never mind that I won't actually wear 80% of them since they're HIDEOUS) to use them as not only a scale to judge how far I've come, but to also encourage further progress. And finally, competition. I'm an extremely competitive person and often set challenges with friends or family to help keep on track.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I lost my weight 30 yrs ago. For many years, I wanted to be the fit Mom, the fit & sexy wife, etc. Now that I'm almost 52, my goals or views seem to be changing. Don't get me wrong, I SO want to look as nice as I can walking out the door & maybe be the hot grandma some day :bigsmile:

    But I look at how immobile my elderly mother has become and it's a big reminder of how inactivity can hurt you in your senior years. She never liked swimming w/the rest of the family, biking, hiking, or anything! Nothing. She fell down some steps a few years back and I am convinced that, had she been in better shape, even just a little bit, she would've recovered. She never really has. She had no muscle, no fitness whatsoever, so rehab after surgery was extremely difficult. I'd say it was unsuccessful actually. Now she spends her day in a recliner in front of the TV, and has to use a walker or cane to get around. She rarely goes out anymore.I know some people develop arthritis or other ailments that affect their mobility, but in her case, I totally believe it was preventable.I don't want to live like that if I can help it!!!

    Be strong people! Move that body!

    P.S. My mom is 70, her fall was about 10 yrs ago. So she is a senior, but based on my age, you may have thought she was close to 80. Nope.