

  • hi cathy we are about the same age, we are the same height and have the same weight and goals .. I am also a newbie ........... I would be happy to do the buddy thing if you want . I have some medical issues too that hopefully will get a lot better with both weight loss and surgery..... doing a lot of walking with my knee…
  • seems to be a few of us 50 and plus lol... I am another. I have over 70 lbs to lose ( recently put back on 40 lbs I lost a few years ago arrgghhh). Did not really think I looked that much different till I looked at some photos recently ...... ouch ! as you say ..... it's time. and that is something we must decide to do,…
  • Hi I have just found the forum this week and been having a little read prior to posting. I have never been one to "share" on forums about weight loss before but this seems a very frindly site and I have found the last few days of logging on with MFP quite an incentive. So from another "newbie" ......... lets go lol