

  • My trainer gave me this workout to do on the treadmill - the time goes by really quickly and it's a great cardio workout. The goal is to keep the speed constant. Start at your normal walking pace - (mine is 4.0 - but I started at 3.5 and worked up to it) and incline at 1.0 Warm up for 5 minutes. Then increase the incline…
  • You are right as you get older the harder it is to lose weight - but don't use that as an excuse. I'm in my early 50's and I have tried every diet / pills / magic potion / you can think of over the years. This summer I hit my heaviest weight ever and was horrified. I started back at the gym and got moving again - slowly,…
  • I use a heart rate monitor to count calories as I work out - both for cardio and strength training / weight lifting. You can get a good one on Amazon for around $35-40.
  • I do the same - between 60 and 90 minutes per day with a rest (walking the dog doesn't count ) on Sundays. Two of my days are swimming for 60 minutes, three are strength training 60 mins and cardio 30 mins, one is bootcamp followed by 30 mins extra cardio. If something starts to hurt or I feel extra tired then I take 2 to…