

  • Welcome! This site is pretty gnarly. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  • Thanks for the help. Much appreciated! :-)
  • You can add me as well. I'm on here daily and would love to build a support group of sorts.
  • If you guys don't mind, what are some examples of good carbs? I also was under the impression that no carbs is good but MFP tells me to have about 300 g of carbs which confused me. I want to lose weight, obviously, but I don't want it to kick me in the butt later on, you know? I'm really new at all this and I know wheat…
  • I'm a noob at this but from my understanding, eating celery and cucumbers help with weight loss because it's all water basically. A lot of fruits have the natural sugars but it is easier to burn. My suggestion would be more greens when you can and fruits when you've got that sweet tooth.