

  • Alright folks, I have an NSV to announce!! I lost an inch around my waist and a half inch everywhere else (except hips)! I have been eating more, and lifting heavy for about a month. I think I am on the losing trend of things now! I feel not as cold as I used to always be...and I actually get hungry! Eat up…
  • It's scary because it is against everything you have heard your whole life...the unknown, if you will. I took the leap...and so did the scale, AT FIRST. Within a couple of weeks the scale is starting to go down. More importantly, my clothes fit better and best of all, I am happy, not easily angered, no longer tired all the…
  • I love finding these posts. I feel better already by feeding my body the fuel it needs. My depression is abating, my fatigue is going away, even the pain that I thought was the start of fibromyalgia is decreasing...and it's only been a few days! The scale is a scary place right now; but, by reading the insights and…