Non scale victories (NSV)



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Still havent looked at the scale lol. And i walked/ jogged 3 miles this weekend in 37 minutes!! I took 10 minutes off my time!! I will admit the first time there was hills and the 2nd there wasny but I am still very excited! Anf i had a pair of jeanthat felt kinda loose yeasterday and were slipping down!

    That is awesome...that is more important than seeing a number on the scale.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Background information: I carry my weight in my belly and normally I see NO change it in when I look but I did suspect it was getting a little smaller. I wear an underarmor type spandex shirt under my workout clothes when I workout outside right now because of the temperature. I'm currently getting ready for a Spartan Sprint so I do a lot of bodyweight exercises, pushing, pulling, jumping and hauling myself up and over things.

    TODAY, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME, my underarmor shirt did not roll up and over my belly like a venetian blind, even when I was crawling 20 feet on my belly (surprisingly more difficult than it looks).

    Doing the happy dance (and my shirt is still staying down!)

    Please tel me you took measurements at the start?

    Lady that is just awesomely fabulous!
  • tml224
    tml224 Posts: 19 Member
    I took my 14 year old sister to Aeropostale and I decided to try on a shirt, and to my surprise, I can fit their clothing! I walked out of there with a few shirts. Damn, I was very surprised and now have a new spot to shop!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I took my 14 year old sister to Aeropostale and I decided to try on a shirt, and to my surprise, I can fit their clothing! I walked out of there with a few shirts. Damn, I was very surprised and now have a new spot to shop!

    That's awesome! :D There's not much better than having a whole new store to shop in!!
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    ok so i know this isn't really a NSV as such,in line with clothes fitting better and measurements, but i feel that eating more is what has contributed greatly :)

    So i have been eating more since March 16th we went away for my birthday and had a 3 day splurge LOL and instead of coming back and eating back at 1200cals i found this group and realised that was the time to just keep eating more :)

    I am starting to just feel more energetic and stronger?? I can't quite put it in words yet but i know am feeling so much better for eating more and although i am still mentally struggling to eat 1700cals unless i do the exercise to burn it as well. I also am still feeling feeling like i need to save some for my splurge day, BUT i am making sure i net my BMR :)
    Though today i only did resistance training, (260 cals burnt) where normally i would have to do some cardio to up my burn! So i am slowly getting there :)

    Now for my victory.
    I have been trying to get the elusive running 5km in 30 mins thing. Last time i managed to do it in 31:05 it was really hard work too! I just couldn't seem to go faster no matter how i tried! That was about a month ago.

    Yesterday i went out and managed to run 5km in 28:09!!! I was beside myself! not only did i reach that elusive 5km in 30min, beat my personal best by 2min 56seconds BUT i did it significantly under 30mins!! :D
    I didn't hear the app say workout complete, so i kept running i looked down thinking can't be too much longer!! Then i realised it had finished who knows when!! LOL

    Later in the evening i went to my kettlebell class, now keep in mind i have been doing kettlebells for only about 5 weeks.
    I have basically been on the 8kg bell, 12kg bell for two handed swings well maybe once or twice LOL
    i have been using 2kg dumbells to do some of my resistance work and realised the other day it was finally easy!!
    So i am not a strength person, or someone who has done much strength training.

    Last night the guy running the class told us to get 3 different sizes, so one that is easy for 12 reps, medium hard for 8 reps and heavy for 6reps.
    I got 8kg, 10kg, 12 kg thinking i was so brave!! :D

    we do the sets once and then he brings over a not too scary looking black bell telling me to use that one for the 6 reps of swings!
    I turn it around and it was 16kg!!! No it wasn't easy but i managed to do several sets with it!!!
    I kept thinking how Kiki told me to decide what the right weight was and figured i was at the right size for me :)

    For single hand work i used 10kg then towards the end moved up to 12kg!!!

    So no i don't have proof that these victories are from eating more, but the fact that i feel stronger and more energetic to ME point to these developments being related to not only training but also eating more!
    I don't have any bells of my own so the only time i get to use anything over 2kg is at the kettlebell class! :)
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    Now for my victory.
    I have been trying to get the elusive running 5km in 30 mins thing. Last time i managed to do it in 31:05 it was really hard work too! I just couldn't seem to go faster no matter how i tried! That was about a month ago.

    Yesterday i went out and managed to run 5km in 28:09!!! I was beside myself! not only did i reach that elusive 5km in 30min, beat my personal best by 2min 56seconds BUT i did it significantly under 30mins!! :D
    I didn't hear the app say workout complete, so i kept running i looked down thinking can't be too much longer!! Then i realised it had finished who knows when!! LOL

    Later in the evening i went to my kettlebell class, now keep in mind i have been doing kettlebells for only about 5 weeks.
    I have basically been on the 8kg bell, 12kg bell for two handed swings well maybe once or twice LOL
    i have been using 2kg dumbells to do some of my resistance work and realised the other day it was finally easy!!
    So i am not a strength person, or someone who has done much strength training.

    Last night the guy running the class told us to get 3 different sizes, so one that is easy for 12 reps, medium hard for 8 reps and heavy for 6reps.
    I got 8kg, 10kg, 12 kg thinking i was so brave!! :D

    we do the sets once and then he brings over a not too scary looking black bell telling me to use that one for the 6 reps of swings!
    I turn it around and it was 16kg!!! No it wasn't easy but i managed to do several sets with it!!!
    I kept thinking how Kiki told me to decide what the right weight was and figured i was at the right size for me :)

    For single hand work i used 10kg then towards the end moved up to 12kg!!!

    So no i don't have proof that these victories are from eating more, but the fact that i feel stronger and more energetic to ME point to these developments being related to not only training but also eating more!
    I don't have any bells of my own so the only time i get to use anything over 2kg is at the kettlebell class! :)

    This absolutely mirrors my experience- so I say NSV!! :D You're fueling your workouts and thus- your workout gets better and you get stronger!

    Congratulations!! :D You're improving very well!!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    Now for my victory.
    I have been trying to get the elusive running 5km in 30 mins thing. Last time i managed to do it in 31:05 it was really hard work too! I just couldn't seem to go faster no matter how i tried! That was about a month ago.

    Yesterday i went out and managed to run 5km in 28:09!!! I was beside myself! not only did i reach that elusive 5km in 30min, beat my personal best by 2min 56seconds BUT i did it significantly under 30mins!! :D
    I didn't hear the app say workout complete, so i kept running i looked down thinking can't be too much longer!! Then i realised it had finished who knows when!! LOL

    Later in the evening i went to my kettlebell class, now keep in mind i have been doing kettlebells for only about 5 weeks.
    I have basically been on the 8kg bell, 12kg bell for two handed swings well maybe once or twice LOL
    i have been using 2kg dumbells to do some of my resistance work and realised the other day it was finally easy!!
    So i am not a strength person, or someone who has done much strength training.

    Last night the guy running the class told us to get 3 different sizes, so one that is easy for 12 reps, medium hard for 8 reps and heavy for 6reps.
    I got 8kg, 10kg, 12 kg thinking i was so brave!! :D

    we do the sets once and then he brings over a not too scary looking black bell telling me to use that one for the 6 reps of swings!
    I turn it around and it was 16kg!!! No it wasn't easy but i managed to do several sets with it!!!
    I kept thinking how Kiki told me to decide what the right weight was and figured i was at the right size for me :)

    For single hand work i used 10kg then towards the end moved up to 12kg!!!

    So no i don't have proof that these victories are from eating more, but the fact that i feel stronger and more energetic to ME point to these developments being related to not only training but also eating more!
    I don't have any bells of my own so the only time i get to use anything over 2kg is at the kettlebell class! :)

    This absolutely mirrors my experience- so I say NSV!! :D You're fueling your workouts and thus- your workout gets better and you get stronger!

    Congratulations!! :D You're improving very well!!!

    Well I will confirm for you, that eating helps fuel your body, which allows you to lift heavier and have way more energy in the process. I could never lift what I am lifting now when I was eating 1500 and way. Most days I could barely get out the exercise. I just felt weak and tired. Now I go in and lift with UMPPPHHH, if you know what I mean:-)

    WTG!!! Awesome NSV!
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    I crossed my legs the other night and noticed that my inner thighs were not in the way of them crossing properly. lol
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Gemiwing & ANewLucia Thanks for that! I don't feel like i am making it up / imagining now!!
    I totally know what you mean by lifting with UMMPHH! I felt so strong with the 16kg bell! and I am sure i strutted out of that class with a bounce in my step! :D

    Bubbles love those type of victories!! Awesome stuff! :D
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I crossed my legs the other night and noticed that my inner thighs were not in the way of them crossing properly. lol

    Thats a great one!!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I crossed my legs the other night and noticed that my inner thighs were not in the way of them crossing properly. lol

    LOL Now why don't they have a ticker for THAT?? I would walk around crossing my legs all the time :D I'd get perfect strangers to verify it too. "Hey! Hey Buddy! Come 'ere- look at *THIS*!" :laugh:

    Yay NSV!!!!!

    *dreams of the day I can do it too*
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    I can cross my legs properly when sitting... my inner thighs don't get in the way anymore :bigsmile: lol
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    I ordered a XL t-shirt a couple weeks ago....haven't had any new tees in a while. Shrug. Wasn't sure what size, but I'm not too much into "snug" stuff (picture 6 foot snausage). My friend dropped it off this morning.

    Anyway, I tried it on and realized it's LOOSE! An XL is loose on me!! Yay!! :)
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Bubbles Crossing legs properly, is so cool isn't it!! :happy:
    someone at work said to me how they don't remember me sitting like that!! I said yes cause i couldn't!! I could only put my ankle over the other knee and that is not cool like sitting with your legs crossed!
    Then comes the crossing of arms, all elegant and hands can reach elbows crossed !! :wink:
    Good on you!!

    LorilnIowa that is awesome!!! Quick send it back for an exchange! You will be swimming in it soon :happy:
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    I couldn't get to the gym last night because my husband was out until after 11 eating wings and drinking beer with the boys... we're not in the best area of town and I don't like walking alone at night, so I stayed home and dusted off my hand weights set. I did some floor exercises, but I was excited because when I had them at 10lb previously it would kick my butt! Last night I had them set to 15lb and they were too light. :)
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    I am posting again because last night's NSV was just awesome (to me)

    I managed to do a set of single arm bicep curls with 25 pound weights :D And when we moved over to the evil machines, I could do as much, or MORE THAN my husband at every station. :D I know they are not ideal, but they are available and until I get the books and watch a couple more videos I'm hesitant to do much with bar weights without being sure of the form - also, my knees won't let me do squats yet... soon though!

    re: books

    Hubby said I could use his Barnes & Noble gift card to order New Rules Of Weight Lifting for Women as well as the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises! Once I get those into my brain and mentally digested GAME ON.
  • luna923
    luna923 Posts: 3
    Alright folks, I have an NSV to announce!! I lost an inch around my waist and a half inch everywhere else (except hips)! I have been eating more, and lifting heavy for about a month. I think I am on the losing trend of things now! I feel not as cold as I used to always be...and I actually get hungry! Eat up is fuel!!!!!
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    I couldn't get to the gym last night because my husband was out until after 11 eating wings and drinking beer with the boys... we're not in the best area of town and I don't like walking alone at night, so I stayed home and dusted off my hand weights set. I did some floor exercises, but I was excited because when I had them at 10lb previously it would kick my butt! Last night I had them set to 15lb and they were too light. :)

    umm....i'm combining this post with your icon, and i've decided that i want to go to your church. :)

    and congrats on the NSV.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Alright folks, I have an NSV to announce!! I lost an inch around my waist and a half inch everywhere else (except hips)! I have been eating more, and lifting heavy for about a month. I think I am on the losing trend of things now! I feel not as cold as I used to always be...and I actually get hungry! Eat up is fuel!!!!!

  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I haven't gained since I've been eating more, which is awesome because I really like to eat and was scared of that. ;) But I was feeling frustrated that I had not LOST anything until I grabbed the back of my thigh and realized I had less in that saddle bag area (ick). So I took measurements- 1.5" off each thigh, 1.5" off the hips, and an inch off the waist (inch off the bust too- not too pleased about that one. ;) )! My jeans are fitting better, and I can see ab lines! YAY! I have been stuck at 135 since December, wanting to get into the 120's, but I can't tell you how amazing it is to see my body change shape. :drinker: I don't need a number on the scale to show me how my hard work is paying off.

    This is about 4-5 weeks into eating more- I upped slowly out of fear, but kinda wish I had jumped right in. Ladies- you don't have to starve yourselves to see your body change. Treat yourselves well. :flowerforyou: