

  • Hey there! As far as push-ups go, try doing them with a dumbell or a push-up assist device. It keeps the wrists straight and avoids stressing the joint too much. As far as your knees, that may just be how they are. Have someone else take a look at your form when you are preforming the exercise and give you pointers as to…
  • Hi Jeanne! First of all, be proud that you are willing to work a little to get healthy! No one said it was easy or fun, but I am so happy you know what a benefit it can be to your life! Pat youself on the back! I think this site is wonderful for those just starting out. I just started myself and love how I can track what I…
  • Ummm...I didn't say it was did I?
  • I know they are healthy, I get that! But I get so frustrated with the calorie count on here. I feel like I have failed if I don't stick to the magic number...oh well!
  • Have you looked at your salt intake? With the amount of water we need to drink, if we have just a little too much salt, we will retain it. Just pick up a 20oz. bottle of water and feel how heavy that is. I struggled with salt myself and have started using other seasonings to flavor my food and haven't missed it. I…
  • Hi! Great job on the loss already! Wishing you all the success in the world!