

  • I think you're right, but I was just too chicken to stand up for myself before, because I didn't love me so I didn't feel I deserved to be happy. Now I do love me, I love all of me, I am happy with how I look for the first time ever and I want to have fun and have friends and take my husband with me, I don't want a…
  • I have always always been a go out and have fun kind of girl!!! Over the years as my weight packed on I went less than I used to, to social events, because I was ashamed of how big I was and didn't want anyone to see me. Now I feel like I'm me again, I have so much energy and he KNEW when we got married that I was a go out…
  • I don't tell him every time it happens, because it happens A LOT, and I know it makes him feel bad, know I'm not unattractive, because my friends and these strangers tell me I'm not, (his lack of intimacy makes me feel that way) so I wonder what the problem is with our intimacy levels, I don't find him unattractive, he's…
  • He's not over weight, so he can't be afraid due to his weight that I'll leave him, he is a bit nerdy, but I love nerdy guys, hence why I married him. The only things I don't like about our marriage is lack of going out together, lack of intimate time, and that's about it. Which I think is pretty important in a marriage!!!…
  • I felt like I was crazy, I feel like he thinks I am cheating on him or going to cheat on him, and I am not, I don't even flirt back with the guys that ~try~ to flirt with me, not even the good looking ones!!! I always bring up my husband and how much I love him and make them feel as awkward as they make me feel. Maybe I…
  • We have been having lots of calm but sad talks lately, mostly with me crying and him getting angry, I haven't brought up every point I covered here, just the I need you to pay attention to me parts. He seems to be trying but it's not as much as I would like, he still sits around on his 3-4 days off a week and doesn't want…
  • No he's not big, he is a stick lol, I mean since we got married he put on a few, but he was waaaay under weight when we met and everyone thinks he looks so much better now, and I agree. He thinks he needs to lose a few and I am so there to support him if/when he decides to.
  • I just am tired of sitting around in my house all the time waiting for him to get with the program, so I go out with my friends, we don't even go to bars or anything like that, we just go to parks to draw, go to the mall, (no I don't buy things, just window shopping) it's not like I have the "I'm fit and pretty now and…
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