I don't think it's shallow. I don't think we can control what we're going to find attractive or not. If it's there it's there, if it isn't it isn't. What I do think is shallow though, is completely ruling out someone who does not meet your visual definition of perfect. Looks are only a small part of the equation.
For me it isn't so much as one song that will make people go WTF?, it's more the combination. I have songs from Sublime, CCR, Slayer, Nas, Katy Perry, Garth Brooks, etc. I never tried to define myself by one genre, it's always been a mixed bag.
The biggest misconception I get, is that people think i'm lazy or will sweat gravy or something if i'm pushed. I work as an operations trainer at an oil upgrader. There are many different levels of the upgrader, many stairs, and generally a lot of ground to cover. I usually get kids right out of college to train, and…
I'm usually a bit more modest, but hey, it's nice to take a break from things you want to change about yourself, in order to appreciate the things that you wouldn't. -I have an awesome relationship with my family -I have a great group of friends -I never took a handout or used connections. Everything I have in my life I…
Wow, I just went and got the mail and came back to all of these replys, you guys are really supportive! Thanks for the tips, I was told that I might see more loss during the first few weeks, but I wasn't expecting this much. It's really reassuring to hear that it's not out of the norm. I want to do this in a healthy way,…