HannahBiffel Member


  • Actually if I'm not working through the weekend, I'm usually out and about with my husband looking for fun things to do since I work so much. Though I would love to, I RARELY sit on the couch and do nothing during that time.
  • :smile: Hey guys! I just thought I'd let you know that I think I solved my own problem. I upped my caloric intake a little by changing my goal to lose 1lb a week instead of 2lbs and it's helped me to stay stronger for longer. I still gave into temptation this weekend and ate stuff I probably shouldn't have, but I was able…
  • I don't have anything against vegan food, however I do live in Texas so a vegan place to eat is SUPER hard to find in the beef capitol of the US. There is one place I know of called the Spiral Diner and they do have some great food but I'm not much into tofu or "fake" meat because to me, there is no substitute for meat.…
  • See that's an issue for me because I really want to STOP rewarding myself with food. To me food should just be food. I think sometimes as overweight individuals we romanticize food and make it more than what it is and we allow it to effect our intimacy levels with family etc. I don't feel like I need to keep with that…
  • You know that makes sense!! I agree I feel like "it's the weekend, time to unload" so I go way overboard. It's just a force of habit I guess? I do need to find some other outlet instead of food. A day at the spa really does sound tempting too!
  • Thanks for your post I suppose but I asked for your input on some alternative methods to help with the situation. Honestly, I didn't lose over 50lbs this year it by being an idiot who doesn't realize that overeating in a couple of days can jeopardize the entire week. Obviously I understand that so I need some TIPS on what…
  • That's a great idea! Thanks for the input!
  • That's a great idea! Thanks for the input!
  • Well, that's a great idea! I do have some clothing that I previously hadn't been able to wear and when I got into it, it was totally empowering. Maybe I should try to start buying a couple of things a size or two smaller (on the clearance rack of course) to try on in times of weakness so that I am motivated to stay strong!…
  • No actually I just about eat every single one of my calories. HOWEVER, about 3 months ago I changed my profile settings to lose 2lbs a week instead of the standard 1. Do you think that could be some of it? Perhaps I should go back to the 1lb per week and see how I react to that.
  • Yeah that's also another issue, I work so much that when I get home, the last thing I want to do is work out so I haven't done that at all lately. I need to get back at it though. I'm sure that would help A LOT!! If only I could find the time/energy to do so after a long day.
  • You're not the only one who's lost their workout mojo. I am completely uninterested. I was going pretty heavily there before I started eating better but now it's like, I know I can clean house and earn exercise points so I opt not to actually go into the gym. I know if I exercise it will put my weight loss in overdrive but…
  • That's awesome! One day I will not be "obese!" I just know it. : ):bigsmile:
  • Oh yeah, you're definitely not eating enough. If MyFitnessPal says to eat 1,200 calories per day and you're burning 1,000 calories working out (which I find unnerving because you must be working out a ton!! Unless you weigh a lot but then again if you did weigh a lot, you would be required to eat more than just 1,200…
  • Eric thank you for this advice. Though I totally get that we should eat more if we exercise because of how our bodies can't survive on very little, but even I myself struggled in the beginning with thinking that I am eating too much after I've earned 900 calories doing an hour of kickboxing. However, I quickly realized…