

  • Well good luck on your journey, it will be a journey of ups and downs and smiles and tears but in the end you will be who you are truly meant to be. Dont give up and be true to those who mean the most to you.
  • Just getting back on the wagon with this weight loss so I am starting out small. No fast food and no soda. Walk the dog every day.
  • 24 year old trans guy here that identifies as pansexual. 3 years on T at the end of January. I had chest surgery august 2010. I need to lose weight as the doctor says I am close to becoming diabetic plus I want to have a hysto and surgery is safer if you are not so far over weight. I am a busy college student and work two…
  • FTM here! New to the group. Need to get back on this weight loss. These girl hips weight distribution play with my dysphoria. I am up for friends on here so add me if you would like.
  • I really agree with the notification idea, the chat room idea, and the predictive entries.
  • My food can not touch. I will not eat what touches. I have divided plates at family members houses i eat at the most. In restaurants i will ask for certain things to be on separate plates or in different bowls. I eat one thing at a time, saying my favorite for last. I smell everything before I eat it. I will not eat meat…
  • I currently work with adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. If i can say anything please start early with intervention. Ive seen many cases where an individual was babied their entire life because family and friends treated them as a disability not as a human and now they can not cope with life and are…
  • OOO 19 days away. Thats awesome. Recipes are hard because i am a very picky eater. But I am willing to try new things. I want to concentrate on my stomach mainly. I am a bit unproportional so I need to find some exercises I can do at home on a daily basis. I have already started going a walk everyday the weather is nice…