

  • Thanks everyone....I certainly didn't expect this much support - BUT LOVE IT!
  • Welcome aboard! I've only been a member for 1 week and I love it! By entering everything everyday, it has held me accountable. I find myself asking the question...."Is this really worth all those calories?" Congratulations on your decision to be healthy!
  • OMG....THIS IS ME - EXACTLY. I'm only 5 feet 0 inches and currently weigh 147! UGH!!!! I have done all the fad diets, new exercise tapes, etc...and I would lose 5-10 pounds, but put it right back on. And I totally get what your saying....because I mention being overweight in the office and everyone looks at me with that…
  • I am new as well.....and can totally relate to myoung6 about puting on the pounds since kids and a desk job. I really think it helps to add people as friends for the support. As we all know, our husands, spounses, boyfriends (etc...) mean well, but don't quite understand what we are going through. Good luck to everyone!…
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