

  • I'm somewhere in Level 2...haven't kept track of the days because I don't do it everyday (somedays I'm sore and others I try to switch it up). I am hating the very beginning when you have to do walking push ups...I hurt my wrist somehow (?) and I can barely do the push up part because of that, not because I can't! I think…
  • I just joined today, too! I have 35 pounds to go also! Hopefully recording everything I eat and the exercise I do in a day with the added bonus of people to support on here will do the trick! Good luck!!
  • GREAT WORK!!! Are you doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred?
  • Thanks everyone who responded already! I am not breastfeeding and I am working out almost daily. I do at least one work out DVD (or exercise ON DEMAND) per day and walk (as fast as I can) with the baby in the stroller. I am watching what I eat every second. I weigh myself every Monday morning...I have been stuck at a…