HappyStack Member


  • Starting Strength Advanced Novice. I've been lifting basically two years to get to this point, where I get to call myself an advanced novice.
  • Oh no you di'int. I literally just finished B:TS a couple of days ago. It sits happily next to TLOU on The Shelf of Games. I thought they were both good in their own way, both flawed in their own way. I haven't ever been so emotionally railed by a game like I was with TLOU, though. As to her complaining that they "ripped…
  • I still make the dough as you would normally make pizza dough (flour, yeast, oil, water and a sprinkle of polenta/semolina to stop it sticking to the baking sheet), I just roll it out thinner (think pound-coin thick, it rises in the oven!) and put a lot of toppings on so I'm getting more of my important macros (protein &…
  • I drink Coke and Diet Coke, and other sugar-filled fizzy drinks. That must be why I haven't lost any weight... ... oh, wait.
  • Low bar is best for recruiting all of the posterior chain, but even a high-bar squat (sitting on the traps) won't make you feel off-balance at the top of the squat if you're doing everything else correctly. If your stance is already wide (i.e. wider than shoulder width, aka sumo stance/powerlifting stance), trying to widen…
  • You're leaning forward, or not "sitting back" enough, or lifting your hips up while the shoulders stay low and "good morning"-ing the weight instead of squatting or all of the above. When you squat, you should feel the majority of the force through your heels and your outer foot. If you can wiggle your toes, you're using…
  • These days dark beer is more likely to mean stouts or porters, so look for that on the label. You could even go for a dunkel, which is a dark Germanlager, or a schwarzbier, which is another dark German lager but it has a slightly aniseed hint to it. It really depends what recipe it's going into. Most good beers will tell…
  • I would recommend having a look at Kelly Starrett's technique for proper squat mechanics ("the squat magically cures knee pain if you squat correctly") either through transcripts/videos of his seminars or through one of his books. He advocates a more foot-forward, vertical-shin, deep/parallel squat as opposed to the…
  • I bought the Marcy 140kg Oly tri-grip barbell set (http://www.marcyfitness.co.uk/?q=content/140kg-olympic-tri-grip-barbell-set-f1180) and I think it was from Powerhouse Fitness through Amazon.
  • In my opinion, running long distances is not about looking good, it's about the achievement of running ever longer distances. Lifting weights is not about looking good, though that is a wonderful side effect, it's about the achievement of getting stronger and lifting ever heavier weights. When I'm scraping a barbell up my…
  • Pancakes (or crepes) with dark chocolate sauce. I was supposed to have these yesterday for pancake day, but I was busy... so there we go.
  • Greek yoghurt/quark, frozen berries (mostly strawbs and blue - allowed to thaw a little bit or you can knock it up the night before so they've thawed overnight in the fridge), any kind of granola I fancy (or a mix of toasted oats, toasted flaked nuts and seeds), chopped/melted 70% dark chocolate and a tablespoon of maple…
  • I'm one of those human beings who finds sour and savoury foods more palatable than sweet things, if I'm honest. I like sweet things, don't get me wrong, but I prefer bitter chocolates, black coffee, and so on... I always find people with a "hyper-sensitivity" to sweet things interestingly peculiar... I'm by no means a…
  • Oh. I don't mean to be rude, but it's sorta hard to take you seriously when you're saying junk like grok and junk. :laugh:
  • Some. Some others stimulate serotonin production. And some sweet things, like chocolate. There's probably a list somewhere of foods and how they affect neurotransmitters... I can't say I remember many examples off the top of my head. Is this valid human behavioural theory, though? particularly since hunter-gatherer…
  • There was a study to suggest this, but it's not just sugar. Complex carbs have been found to have the same effect, as do - I believe - dairy products and other sources of protein. Basically, feeding stimulates dopamine production.
  • One should make the distinction between so-called "bad" and "intolerable" foods.
  • It could be a multitude of things, but if all you're doing is cardio and you're in a calorie deficit let's not pretend you're building muscle. It might be water weight, that can hang around for a while... and it's best not to weigh yourself too frequently because you can get in your own head about slight artificial…
  • This x5 bajillion. I mentioned this to someone on Facebook a while back. It's not used in Europe simply because it can aggravate asthma in some people, and better than using food warning labels/announcements in a food chain that specialises in allowing people to "build their own" it's just easier not to use it at all. It's…
  • One of these days I'll make a thread on how to food prep like a pro :tongue:
  • I found a recipe - http://runeatrepeat.com/2012/04/04/protein-packed-french-toast-recipe/ Might make it easier to follow.
  • Depends how you cook and eat, really... but find a method that works for you. When I'm on a serious no-time-but-gotta-eat cut, I cook food in batches and use the microwave a lot. So I make a week's worth of brown rice, mixed veggies, chicken breasts, steak, and some fish and put them all in separate containers in the…
  • Mix it with the eggs and the milk, but only use a half scoop because it acts as a thickener. Some people only use egg whites, some people (guilty) use whole eggs.
  • French toast w/ your favourite protein powder. Although you must have bacon and maple syrup with French toast. And strawberries.
  • I think one of the reasons Indian food can be so high calorie is we generally eat only one dish as a main dish, instead of how the Indians usually eat, which is several much smaller portions of different dishes. Of course, it's a lot of work to prep so many dishes, but when it comes to spices... leftovers taste even…
  • I have honestly never tasted breast milk :laugh: But I know that powdered baby formula is sweet, so that makes sense.
  • As far as I'm concerned, making the good choices is habitual... I don't personally believe that the desire toward hyperpalatable foods ever goes away. We tend towards things that are pleasurable to us (getting into Freud's "pleasure principle" here, haha), and that includes foods with a certain taste... I think it once was…
  • I used to have a behavioural problem with eating, too. Emotional eating. It wasn't an addiction, it was just something I did "just because" I was unhappy with most things... the thing is, I ate alone most of the time... and so I had nobody who would hold me accountable for my choices and for the regularity I made those…
  • No. http://www.alanaragonblog.com/about/
  • You are eating quite low for your height, weight & activity level. Have you considered strength training, with free weights, to get your body where you want it to be? Often the solution - at your weight - is not to lose more but to build mass. It can sound scary to put on weight, but women with a better lean mass to body…