

  • Hi! I have the same problem. I've tried Ultracavitation. It doesn't work. Don't spent your money on that! I'm doing two things : boxing movements with 2 kg weights and adding a small piece of a beautiful fabric to my dress. It's a very delicated fabric that covers a part of my shoulders and part of my art. It's like a…
  • I also love Starbucks. I Downloaded an app for my smartphone. It's on Market under Satarbucks Calories. It's free and you can control the calories you eat/dreak!
  • it's so good to hear that i'm not the only bride having nightmares! I thought i was crazy!! it's wedding anxiety, right? On march 20th i'm getting my measurements taken, in order to start my wedding dress....it's like my deadline.... any advice?
  • Hi! i'm getting married on april 28 th, and my boyfirend proposed on November 22nd, so we don't have much time to organize. Anyway, I think it's better 'cause you make choices faster and more easily. For instance, we wrote emails to 5 photographers, selected 2 to meet them and choose one for taking the pics at the wedding.…
  • thank you all!!!! i'm definitely gonna put the picture of the dress on the refrigerator!!!!!! i'm also trying to work out a lot!!!! I love marshmallows....i should replace them for cheerios!! it's hard to keep the diet, but it's worth the shot!!