

  • Ohh that sounds delicious, i need to find that bread, all bread i find here including weight watchers are around 70 kals mimimum Thanks i will try that x
  • I think wraps maybe the way forward, thanks for that idea, i guess you could use lots of fillings for a wrap and still keep it low in calories and fat ect And its also quick and easy to prepare Thanks x
  • Hi All, Im in a similar place right now my little boy is due to turn 4 soon, and we planned on getting pregnant last year its taking longer than expected, so im hoping getting fit may help our chances of a second child as well as make the weight loss a little easier after birth. Good luck to everyone x
  • Thanks for your reply, i think that's the key dividing it up even if i do 15mins in a morning and 15 at night, i suppose any chance i get i should jump on the x trainer. And i think the better i feel and hopefully some weight loss will encourage me. Thanks again
  • How would i get info on that? id love to be able to get out and exercise, but as my partner works funny hours and i have a son i can never commit to anything :-( What kind of athlete were you? I love athletics just wish i had the time x
  • Hey, good luck on your journey, whats 30 day shred?? x