

  • Check out www.bordenmethod.com This has changed my life!! I was eating 1 or 2 chocolates EVERY DAY. I listen to 20 minutes relaxation every morning .... and have not LOOKED for a chocolate since starting this program. I have been a chocolateholic all my life ... would be CONSTANTLY THINKING about food all day ... even…
  • Smiling as I read your message. I have been kidding myself for 10 years with scales that weighed 4 kilos light .. LOVED those scales .. and so did everyone who weighed on them. I know they were 4 ks light as I compared with Jenny Craig scales. However ... truth time .. I bought some new scales this week and ditched my old…
  • Try a scant dessertspoon of LSA on your cereal ... add 4 prunes ... and drink about 8 glasses of water a day ... that should fix it. Also a cup of hot water instead of tea / coffee as an extra. Good luck. Not a nice problem to have.
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