

  • This makes total sense! That's it, I am going to add exercise this week :)
  • I love your quote about being healthy for your kids. My oldest son is 23 and my younger ones are 5 and 2 - I realize that I need to be healthy to take care of them....and KEEP up with them :)
  • You're right, I need to squeeze in the exercise. I think it could make a big difference. When was exercising every day, I wasn't eating right. Now I am eating right and not exercising. Need to find some balance. Good advice, it is tempting to really cut calories because I haven't been very hungry, but I know in the long…
  • Thanks everyone, for the good advice. It sounds like I need to make sure I am reaching my goal of 1200 per day. I will start with that and see if the weight loss "projected" starts matching my 2 lb goal.