2 lb per week weight loss?

Hello everyone!

My goal is to lose 2 lbs per week and I have my page set up that way. I get 1200 caleries a day and I have been following that or falling below, but my weight loss is projected at 1.2 lbs per week. Can anyone tell me why that is? Thank you!


  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    If you do not eat your full calorie count your body may go into "starvation mode" apparently - that's what it told me anyway. However, I was not eating my full calorie count every day in my first week and I lost 9lbs!!!
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i think it also depends on how much you have to lose in general and and water weight your carrying
  • You will lose a stack of weight in the first week if you drop your calories so significantly.

    Then, your metabolism drops. This is what happens in 'starvation mode'. You should avoid this at all costs, as it makes losing the weight harder in the long run, AND once you stop dieting, your weight will potentially sky rocket because you don't have the metabolism to keep burning it.

    The best thing to do, is let the MyFitness software determine your calorie goal, and REACH it every day. Do not aim at going significantly LESS than, as you are doing yourself damage.
  • It is true, if you do not eat your 1200 your body will go into starvation mode and will stop burning the fat in order to protect you from starvation. You may not lose weight for a while but then it will re-adjust and start burning it off again.
  • semhe
    semhe Posts: 81 Member
    It lies to you. Sometimes it projects my weight loss at 2 per week and I lose 5, other times it projects it at 2 per week and I gain 3. It all depends on the quality of food youre eating and how much exercising you do. Exercise is your greatest ally. Also, studies have shown that starvation mode is real and can harm your metabolism, however, when it actually sets in is the question. In the original starvation study, none of the adults reached starvation mode until they were under 5% body fat and their bodies shut down the metabolism almost completely to protect itself. Newer studies say that it happens in a few short weeks. Lowering your metabolism by 2-3%. In short, going under your calories isnt really going to affect your metabolism too greatly unless youre already thin. However... I dont recommend it, you'll only lose 1-2 extra lbs a month and be totally miserable... trust me, I lived on 500 cals for a month, I lost 20 lbs but was a very cranky lady
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    To have a 2lb per week loss, you need 1000 cal per day deficit, but MFP does not let your goal go below 1200 cals per day, so if you don't have enough cals per day to make your deficit that high - i.e your BMR is under 2200, then you won't have a projected loss of 2lbs. At a guess your BMR (what you would need to eat to maintain) is around 1800-1900 per day, so you have a 6-700 cal deficit, meaning the max you will lose is a bit over a pound. Hope that makes sense, and good luck.
  • Hi, gosh 9lbs....what type of foods were you eating that's AMAZING!!!! well done!!
  • If you do not eat your full calorie count your body may go into "starvation mode" apparently - that's what it told me anyway. However, I was not eating my full calorie count every day in my first week and I lost 9lbs!!!

    You lost 9 lbs in a week.how much calories you were talking in a day. rough estimate ?
  • Thanks everyone, for the good advice. It sounds like I need to make sure I am reaching my goal of 1200 per day. I will start with that and see if the weight loss "projected" starts matching my 2 lb goal.
  • To have a 2lb per week loss, you need 1000 cal per day deficit, but MFP does not let your goal go below 1200 cals per day, so if you don't have enough cals per day to make your deficit that high - i.e your BMR is under 2200, then you won't have a projected loss of 2lbs. At a guess your BMR (what you would need to eat to maintain) is around 1800-1900 per day, so you have a 6-700 cal deficit, meaning the max you will lose is a bit over a pound. Hope that makes sense, and good luck.

    Completely agreed, as this is what mine has done! ;) In my opinion, if you are looking to lose more that just over a pound a week, then exercise! You should not go under your 1200 calories per day either way though...
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    Another bad thing about a "starvation mode" metabolism is that it doesn't work well when you are not working out. In other words, a person that has sped up their metabolism is still going to be burning calories when they are done working out. But a starvation mode person will still burn calories, just not as many. It is a defense mechanism that was great 400 years ago...not so much anymore. And I should let you know that the few days I have gone over, I am still lost weight. You have to change your mind set from dieting, to changing your life. Why? I know I don't want to be on a diet the rest of my life. Hope this helps. Remember to drink lots of water too. I have added 5 servings of fruits and vegies to my meals a day and lost an addition pound this week! Keep up the good work.
  • I don't think the program will allow you to go lower than 1200 calories per day... it's not healthy to eat less than that. So, even if you say you want to loose 2 lbs per week, the lowest it will allow you to go is 1200 calories, and in your case (and in mine) that will actually only yeild loosing around 1.5 lbs per week. Just trust that the designers of the program understand health, and that 1.2 lbs per week is what is healthiest for you to be loosing. Honestly, I don't even know why 2 lbs per week is an option, it's not really very healthy to loose weight that fast. Good luck!
  • You're right, I need to squeeze in the exercise. I think it could make a big difference. When was exercising every day, I wasn't eating right. Now I am eating right and not exercising. Need to find some balance. Good advice, it is tempting to really cut calories because I haven't been very hungry, but I know in the long run it is a life change and I can't keep going on less than 1000 calories.
  • I love your quote about being healthy for your kids. My oldest son is 23 and my younger ones are 5 and 2 - I realize that I need to be healthy to take care of them....and KEEP up with them :)
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    Hey. 2lbs a week is only a realistic weight loss goal if you have a LOT to lose. Judging by your display pic, you don't have a whole lot to lose! You should try to stick with a healthier rate of 1lb/week. I know, I know, everyone wants to lose the weight, the faster the better! But you didn't put that weight on in a matter of weeks, it's not healthy for it to come off that fast either.

    Losing weight (and then gaining weight back, which happens a lot if you lose too quickly) quickly does a lot of damage to your skin elasticity, as well as putting a bigger strain on your body's systems. If nothing else, the fact that losing weight TOO QUICKLY can make your lady parts saggier, with lots of loose skin, is enough to make me want to lose weight a healthy way. With so little to lose, you may be able to keep a rate of 2lb/week for a bit, but you certainly won't lose that quickly the whole time.
  • This makes total sense! That's it, I am going to add exercise this week :)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Go for it you'll get there
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    Good luck! Stick around these parts and I'm sure you'll reach your goals in what FEELS like no time at all :D
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You've already gotten great adivce so far, just wanted to chime in on your comment about feeling like you don't want to eat anymore eventhough you haven't reached the 1200 calorie goal. Not sure what your daily diet includes but if you're eating a lot of low fat, low calories, "diet" foods, try switching back to the regular versions of these foods and/or eat more calorie dense foods like nuts and greek yogurt. Typically the more natural forms of foods are better for you anyway because when they cut out fat or calories, they add in sodium or other things to make the foods taste good.

    As someone else pointed out, remember this is not just about losing weight but getting healthy. Good luck!
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    Just normal foods, fruit and veg, have had chicken, fish, low fat sausages, yogurts. Have started exercising although did none at all the first week.