This is me about 175 /Users/juicy1226/Library/Containers/ I'm the one in the pink.
I had this exact same problem!! I do weight training to help build muscle, and I slowly began running. I used the couch to 5k a little bit, the best thing for me was the intervals. At some point, without really realizing, the pain in both of knees are gone! Keep it up, go slow and it will get stronger! I also think losing…
Healthy snacks in between meals. Apples are pretty filling. I make a quinoa muffin that is packed full of protein and fills me up between meals. You can do this!! The first few weeks are rough as your body adjusts, but it will be worth it!!!
Keep up the good work! I have finally learned to enjoy my food instead of inhaling it! You'll love the changes you're making!!!
It's all about portions and measuring. Keep it and measure out small portions of it! Enjoy food, don't fear it!
This made me cry I was laughing so hard!!! This is what everyone does and wonders why things don't work!!! Thank you for the laugh!!
It's not bad to go crazy once in helps to keep your body guessing. Just don't make it habit!
I am constantly using I'm able to filter out for certain recipe types...low cal, vegetarian, etc. I am always looking for new recipes that are extremely flavorful to keep me from getting into a rut!