

  • Good morning ladies, a good morning...if you can call it that. A 60 minute kick boxing class that really did KICK MY BUTT. I will try to take a 30 minute walk later. We will see if all this movement pays off on Friday. Enjoy your day. Kim from PA
  • Have any of you tried the book by Bob Harper jump start to skinny. I hate diets per say but these recipes are easy and it's three weeks. Easy shopping easy cooking and really great recipes. Even if you don't do it exactly, some greT Neal ideas. Kim (from PA)
  • Good morning to you all. Thank you Janet, for your kind welcome. I did not have much time yesterday to give much info about myself…. My name is Kim and I live in Central PA. The snow has finally melted but it is still too darn cold. I have been married 34 years; I have 7 kids and 9 grand kiddos. They are the loves of my…
  • So nice to see that other ladies are in the same place I am. 51 (52in a few weeks) and used to eat whatever and not gain anything.....NO more. Need to get 20+ off. So here I am. Lots of great advise here. Thanks. +
  • Good morning ladies....I would love to join you all. Over 50 and need to get back in shape and lose these crappy "menapausal" pounds..... (could be food/beer too) :wink:
  • I am also over 50 and would like to join you ladies.
  • Also new and over 50. Would like to join as well....
  • I am new to this site...I would love to join you.
  • Great Thursday morning ladies, I was hoping to have time every day to at least read all your wisdom and suggestions.....well not going as well as I would like in that department but I'll try harder. Food log is helping. staying within my calorie zones, exercising every day. Heading to the Poconos this weekend so that will…
  • Good Morning ladies.....I am also hoping for a "lighter" June. Just started logging food and exercise . Day three.......I look forward to reading more posts from you all. This menopausal crap sucks and weight is a huge part of this "mature" age of mine....(51) Have a great day! Kim