

  • Thank you so much girls for all your replys , i dont have the time to reply right now as im about to go out and do the dreaded shop but i didnt want to read and run , i will pop back later tonight and i will reply to you all :) im loving :heart: our little group :)
  • Thanks for the reply and add hun its so nice to be meeting so many people ww is good but I think that with every diet you get bored and that's why you fall off the wagon hopefully this time as its more about counting cls not points it might make a differemce that's the plan anyways gd luck to you hun xxx
  • Congratulations on your daughter , so sorry to hear about your procedure a friend of mine from a ttc website went through that and was told she could ttc as soon as she wanted to aswell but so far she hasnt been lucky which is a real shame after going through so much , i hope that when the time is right and your ready that…
  • Mjavita : Thanks hun x Irishguy : Thanks i just looked at your ticker you have done fab in 5 weeks 2 st is great well done x Normsh : I have been here a day and im finding it so usefull and have already made some friends which helps to its so nice that a site like this can bring everyone together and we can all help each…
  • CJW6 hopefully it wil just happen the good thing is the hormones seem good and if your cycles are pretty regular it should all fall into place i think your right to give yourself a time frame thats what ive done every time weve tryed to concieve and then ive seeked medical help , all they will proberly do at first is…
  • That is great news hun , i hope that happens for me but i have so much to lose im kinda losing the will to live with it all , even when ive lost 30lbs before my Ovulation never came back , but last cycle my body tryed to O i had all the signs and posative ovulation sticks so i got a blood test done and it said i didnt O :(…
  • Ahhh i can totally understand TTC can get obbsessive i feel like ive spent majority of my adult life in a ttc loony bin and im still in it LOL hopefully once i have another ill be done with it all as its a very annoying thing ttc i wish there was an easier way , that is good that you have had an u/s maybe you should…
  • Thanks Kazzia its great to hear its working or so many people i am liking it already and i only started today , ive got the phone app to which is fab cos i get limited time online with my son so the fact i can track while sitting down or at the shops is great hopefully it will help me to plan meals to , and i can already…
  • LOL brook that did make me chuckle it was like you were reading my mind when you wrote that , i have fallen off the wagon many times and im sure i will again but i to am also ready to take that next step to get on the straight and narrow , i got your friends reqest thanks for the add xxx
  • Welcome , i am new to i just started today :) GL on your weightloss journey xxx
  • I have no idea how to add anything to the exercise diary i just started today but it might be worth posting it in the tech help section :) you sound like your doing great so far i wish i had your energy i struggle to do any exercise right now but i really need to up it , FX with the right support ill get there , good luck…
  • I am new to this to i just started today but i will be weighting in on sundays , i am not really sure what i am doing with this yet but the phone app is great if you havent got it yet totally recommend it :) GL on your weightloss journey , feel free to add me if you want to xxx
  • Hey Bev Im Teresa , im from London UK and i am trying to lose about half my body weight that i am now which is quite a bit hehe feel free to add me to i could do with the support :) good luck on your weightloss journey xxx
  • CJW6 thats fabuous news well done you :) i am sorry to hear that you havent gotten pregnant yet , what have you been trying i know it sounds like a daft question but after trying so long for my son i kinda tryed everything in the book when it comes to ttc to get pregnant , pretty much anything from green tea to cough…
  • Thanks for your reply Danielle , its good to know there is so many of us on here , i am glad to hear your fell pregnant naturally with your daughter did it happen quickly with her or did you try for a while ? my son is nearly 3 so not much difference in age to your daughter :) we started ttc~2 in july 09 cos of previous…
  • Snowwhitekitty , well done on your weightloss so far 10lbs isnt to much hopefully you will do that in no time , it is hard to get to a place where you think ok its not my weight and its something else i used to always think it was something else with me and that weight wasnt the issue but after having my son and my bodys…
  • Thanks for that website thedestar i have never heard of that ill defintly look it up , GL to you on your ttc journey im here for a chat if you want to talk are you ttc no1 ? Itlane sorry to hear that you have been having problems concieveing , have you tryed for longer than may to july ??? reason i ask is 3 months is a…
  • That's great news laurakate its not an easy thing to do i wish you lots of luck hun feel free to add me as a friend I look forward to watching your progress xxx
  • I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with PCOS i really hope that you can get your dream baby sooner rather than later , i dont have pcos but have spent many years being told i might have it to being told i didnt and now again being told i might so frustrating , i am new to MFP aswell so if you need any advice…